Thranduil -6-

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"Other lands are not my concern

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"Other lands are not my concern."

Y/N's jaw almost dropped in angered shock. Over the thousand years she'd known the king of Mirkwood, she'd learned well that he could be stubborn and haughty, but she'd also seen the better side of him, the kind, witty, not-so-cold side. Today, it seemed, she wouldn't see that warmth show. This, however, did not mean she wouldn't try to change his mind.

"Not your concern? Thranduil, have you forgotten that this world is the one we live in as well as men, and dwarves, and hobbits, and all the innocent people at risk from this threat? Will you truly disregard the right these people have to their liberty? To their lives?"

Not a word in reply. He wouldn't even look at her.

"For once, I thought you might care. For once, I believed in the compassion you so rarely show. Only to be disappointed again.

I should not be surprised."

And with that, she swept out of the throne room, cheeks pink with disappointed fury, neglecting to look back to see the whistful look Thranduil shot after her.

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