Kili & Fili -4-

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There it was

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There it was. After you had come so far, struggled through so much, there the mountain stood before you, silhouetted against the sunset. Pinks, oranges, yellows, blues, violets, and all shades around and amidst danced on the horizon. It seemed small from this point, but you knew that in only a month or so, your life-long quest to find a home would finally be over. Your eyes began to well up with tears and your walking stick tumbled from your hands as you sank to your knees, hands clasped before you in thanks to the paths that had led you to this moment. Kili and Fili, the two dwarves leading you to your new home, hurried to your side, worried after your sudden fall, but when they saw the broad smile on your face, they relaxed. Kili knelt on your left and Fili on your right and together, the three of you watched the sun fade behind the boundary of your sight, the grand, beautiful, powerful mountain in the distance standing proud and tall.

"It's really something special, isn't it, Y/N?"

"It's all I've ever dreamed of."

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