Thorin Oakenshield -3-

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You, an elf, were an outcast from your own people, having been accused of an awful crime you never committed and had lived on your own, roaming Middle Earth for the last seven years, never finding a home

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You, an elf, were an outcast from your own people, having been accused of an awful crime you never committed and had lived on your own, roaming Middle Earth for the last seven years, never finding a home. By chance, you crossed paths with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and saved them from a patrol of orcs early on in their journey to Erebor. You had traveled with the Company ever since then, at the request of Thorin Oakenshield, who had taken a liking to you to the surprise of the others. He'd made sure you stayed safe the entire journey and saved your life multiple times. Thanks to the dwarf king, you now you stood on the top of a tall rock spire, able to see the Lonely Mountain not too far in the distance, its peak shrouded by clouds.

"Is that your home?"

Thorin laid a hand on your shoulder and shook his head as you looked at him with a wondering expression. His gaze softened to the softest of smiles as he replied;

"No... Our home."

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