a different perspective

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this isn't a smut. i know i haven't been writing a lot of smut- or anything for that matter. -but the only reason is that I'm running out of ideas. so if you have a suggestion, I'll definitely take it (:

--colby's p.o.v.--

it was new to me. i was never used to a girl not falling head over heels for me. whenever i wanted a girl, i could get her with a snap of my fingers. but morgan was different. she never gave a shit about me, which is why i loved her.

when i finally had her wrapped around my pinky, i asked her on a date. and because I'm such a charmer, it went exactly the way i had wanted it. she ended up falling in love with my in the end, and we ended up becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. 

i loved everything about her. the way she lived life, the things she believed in. she truly had me in a daze. that was until she cheated.

--february 17th--

"bye cole. i'm going out with pete, ray, and custis." morgan said, putting on her white airforces. "no other girls?" i asked, a little worried. "no, just me and the boys." she said, smiling.-

-the worst thing about morgan was that she could always make it so i wouldn't worry about her. no matter what she was doing, she could throw me a little smile, and all my worries, and doubts would wash away. i think it's called manipulation-

"oh, okay baby. I'll see you tonight?" i asked, kissing her on the cheek as she walked out of the door. "yep." she said, popping the 'p'. "okay, can't wait." i said, chuckling. "me neither." she lied.

i never thought for a second she would cheat on me. she was the kindest soul ever- or so i thought.- we would watch a movie every night, and make homemade popcorn, my favorite time of the day. it seemed like she never felt the same. it was all apart of some plan she had come up with.

i waited all night for her to come home. or at least a call from her. but i never got it. the reason being exactly what you think. 

finally, i got a call from one of my boys. it went a little something like this.-

"hey man." kian said through the phone.

"what's going on. we haven't talked in ages," i said, excited to be talking to one of my good friends.

"yeah. uhh.. hey. is morgan home with you, or did she go out?" kian asked, sympathy laced around his voice.

i hadn't noticed what the sympathy was for until he announced the news.

"uh, she went out with her friends." i said, snapping my fingers. "why?" i asked, starting to get worried.

"uhh. i think she might be cheating on you-" he said.

everything went blurry, and my ears started to ring. the girl i was planning to marry had... cheated on me? the mere thought of it sounded impossible.. disgusting almost.

"sorry, could you repeat that?" i asked, nearly crying.

"i think morgan is cheating on you." he said, again, with sympathy.

"are you sure it's her?" i asked, in disbelief. 

"it looks exactly like her.. does she have air forces?" he asked, yelling over the loud music being produced by a club- i presume -.

"yeah.. she does. i remember her putting them on before she walked out the door," i said, trying not to cry.

"i'm so sorry, man. hey, take it easy okay? maybe we can hang out sometime." 

"yeah." i said, hanging up the phone.

i seemed like a dream, a nightmare. i never could've imagined this day would happen. but hey, i guess all good things come to an end, right?

my eyes were red, and puffy by the time she walked through that door. "hey baby." she said, hanging up the puffer jacket she had worn out. "hey." i said, looking over at her. "had a joint without me?" she asked, chuckling.

"no." i said, looking down at my hands. "what's wrong?" she asked, 'sympathy' tracing the pathetic lies that left her mouth. "you," i said, slowly looking up at her.

"what do you mean?" she asked, trying to hold my hand. i slowly pulled away. "who was it. why did you do it?" i asked, tears starting to stream down my face again.

"i have no idea what you're talking about." she said, it seemed as though she started to get a little worried. "was it pete?" i asked, sniffling. "i still don't know what you're talking about, baby." he said, innocence painted across her face.

"you know exactly what i'm talking about." i said, through gritted teeth. she remained quiet, and looked around the room.

"ya know. it seemed too good. a perfect boy. i just had to fuck it up. it's what i do best." she said, acting sad. "don't guilt trip me, morgan. i'm not stupid. this isn't my first relationship." i said, tiredness floating around my voice.

"okay fine. it was pete." she said. i stood up, slamming my phone on the coffee table. "goddamn it." i said, running my hands through my hair. "i knew it would happen this way." i said, nodding my head in agreeance with myself.

"it's not what you think." she said, trying to defend herself. "that's what they all say." i said, grabbing my phone, keys, and shoes. "i loved you, morgan. i hope you know that." i said, before walking through the door.


it was never an easy thing. but it had to be done. as much as i wanted to stay with her, it would never work.

i always told myself that the pain would stop. but it didn't. which is why i sat in the bathtub, head under the water. bubbles rose to the surface of the water as i slowly let out of my final breaths.

i finally felt at peace with myself, and everything around me, something i had wanted my entire life. little did i know, it would only happen moments before my death. as my lungs collapsed, sam busted into the bathroom. he knew exactly what was happening. it seemed like a scene from a movie, almost.

it was quite obvious. i was fully clothed, and i wasn't moving. he was only a second too late, which i could imagine broke him. he screamed, trying to pull me out of the water.

 you can't manipulate fate, turn it into something it wasn't supposed to be..

but when you do, it's not always as great as you thought it would be.


lol. it was kindav crappy, sorry. but if u have a suggestion, please tell me. i would be glad to write a story for you <3

-yee fuckin' haw

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