forgotten birthdays, & broken hearts

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your name is sophie. (:

--sophie's pov--

lower case intended

another day colby was out late. this time it hit harder, it was my birthday. the kid i've known since sixth grade still can't even remember my birthday, the man i've dated for five years. it's depressing when not even one person can remember it's your birthday.

i don't want to be that kind of person who puts, 'it's my birthday.' on my instagram story, but i also don't want to be that person who's depressed because nobody remembered their birthday. oh well, i'm turning twenty-two, i guess it's not the biggest deal.

i slapped on some blackbear and basically cried my heart and soul out. my tears dripped down my face, onto my bare thighs and couch. the songs sifted through sad, and happy. i skipped the happy songs and continued to pour every emotion i had into singing those damn songs.




sup, bicth

read 11:43


i didn't reply, i was 1) offended he would just text me that. 2) i was mad he was drunk. 3) i was sad he forgot about my birthday.







sup, bicth

read 11:43

why aren't you asnwering?




com'n babyyyyy, i love yu. plz.

read 11:45

missed call from colbear


my eyes flooded with tears, and my hands trembled. songs went through one ear, and out the other as i pondered if all my friends hated me. eventually, my tears faded, and sleep devoured my body.

--time skip--

"baby, i'm home!" colby slurred, walking through the door. i opened my eyes and huffed as i saw him coming towards me. i looked at the clock, 3:47. "really, colby?" i asked, annoyed. "what, i'm not allowed to have any fun once in a while?" he slurred.

"i never said that," i said, laying back down on the couch, trying not to cry. "then what the hell is it?" he yelled, startling me. "you forgot my birthday," i said, as an unintentional tear slipped from my eye, rolling down my cheek.

"wow, so this is about how i missed your birthday?" he said, making me shocked. "you're so selfish. you only care about yourself." he added, making more tears stream down my dry cheeks. my face dropped, and my heart broke in two.

"i'm selfish?" i defend. "yes! i can't go and hang out with my boys. and i'm glad i missed your birthday because this day would've been all about you." he yelled. "god, i'm sorry i'm such a kink in your neck!" i yelled back.

"don't raise your fucking voice at me. no wonder your parents left you!" he slurred. i let that sink in for a moment, before grabbing my phone and standing up. "wow." i whispered. i slipped my shoes on and walked out of the door.

"yeah, that's right, walk out of that fucking door! just like you walk away from all your problems, that's why nobody likes you, sophie!" he yelled, throwing a glass on the floor. i shut the door and walked out to my car.

quiet sobs escaped my lips as i drove around la. soft, sad, slow music gently played in the background as the sunset over the hollywood hills.

i pulled my car into the driveway of my house, and i locked my car. i wiped my nose on the sleeve of my sweatshirt and opened my door. i walked to my room, and threw myself onto my bed, and cried myself to sleep.

--colby's pov--

i woke up with the worst hangover i have had in years. for some reason, i had a weird pit in my stomach. like someone had died, and my body was trying to tell me. then, all of a sudden, the memories from last night hit me like a freight train.

'i have to text sophie' my thoghts ran 1000 miles per hour.




read 10:02

please respond.

i didn't mean what i said.


read 10:03


my heart fell to the floor as i waited for my love to respond. every second that passed was like a living hell. it felt like fire rushed through my veins as i thought about the things i said to sophie. i didn't even wish her a happy birthday yesterday.





read 10:02

please respond.

i didn't mean what i said.


read 10:03

we don't work together colby. i'm sorry.

i love you


my mouth became dry, and my throat started to close up. tears slowly crept down my face, and shaky breaths escaped my lips.

--sophie's pov--

--one month later--

i sat down on my bed, as my illness was slowly killing me. i hadn't been taking my medication or eating as much as i should. but i couldn't get over him. i hadn't been out of the house for 3 weeks or even had any human interaction for that matter. but the silence was my medicine.

i cried as i looked at the photo of him and his new girlfriend. i still loved him, but i knew the break up was for the best. we were never gonna work, but we never admitted it to ourselves. i'm glad he's happy now with another lover.

my sadness wore off, and tiredness floated over my body. minutes later, i had fallen into the sleep that would take my life.


kinda felt like doing a sad one today.

-yee fuckin' haw

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