5 seconds

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this story is inspired by a tiktok... in this story you and colby are siblings, and he's in high school, and you're only 15... (you're kaitlyn)

--colby's pov--

may 6th, 2017: 5 pm

i don't know how much longer i can take this. everything feels so heavy. i'm always so tired. my grades are down. my girlfriend of three years cheated on me. and my parents hate me. the only person i have, is my little sister kaitlyn.

i walk downstairs, and see my sister kaitlyn and her boyfriend sitting on the kitchen island. "colby!" kaitlyn said, smiling widely. she hopped off the counter and gave me a big hug. i smiled, as tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

"are we still going to see that movie tomorrow?" she asked, as her eyes sparkled. "yep.," i said, pulling her away from the hug so i could look at her face. i could see the sympathy in her eyes as she stared at my red puffy face.

"promise?" she asked, holding her pinky out. i laced my pinky with hers and gave her one last hug. my heart ached, knowing that i was lying to her. i squeezed her tighter than usual since this was the last hug i'd probably ever give her. 

i grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and headed upstairs. i go to my room and lay on my bed. i stared at the ceiling, thinking about how my life has gone wrong these past couple months. my eyes slowly closed as sleep washed over my body.


my eyes fluttered open, and my eyes sting as the sunlight hits my eyes. i sigh, picking up my phone to look at the time. 8 pm. it's time. i grab my water bottle and walk into my bathroom. i look through the cupboards, and drawers, looking for all the pills bottles i could find.

i put them all on the toilet seat and sat on the floor. i grabbed the first bottle - ibuprofen - and opened the cap. i poured the pills out onto my hand and opened my water bottle with my other hand. i stared at the pills for a while before tears starting pouring from my eyes.

i put half of the pills in my mouth, and took a big drink of water, making the pills go down my throat. i took the rest of the pills and repeated the same steps, but my five seconds almost never came. the closer i was to death, the happier i felt..

 but then... i heard kaitlyn's laugh in the back of my head. i started to remember how bright her smile was when i walked into the kitchen, making me cry harder. i laid on the ground, resting my hands on my chest. it hurt me to think that in five seconds, my little sister's life could be ripped away.

in just five seconds, i could take her big brother away. i had a choice to make; i could pick up the phone, and call for help, or to let my last five seconds fade away. i picked up my phone and found kaitlyn's contact.

i put the ringing phone to my ear, and waited for her voice to make me happy again. "hello?" she asked, giggling. i smiled weakly as her laugh seemed to make this dim bathroom a bit brighter. "hey bubba." i said, no energy to give.

i could tell she knew something was wrong from the way she fell silent. "what's wrong, cole?" she asked, starting to get worried. the tears that were falling from my eyes seemed almost impossible to stop as i thought about what i'd done to kaitlyn.

"i need help." i said, finding it hard to breathe. "where are you?" she asked. i could tell she was about to cry from the way she talked. "i'm in my bathroom." i whispered. just seconds later, i saw her burst through the door.

"oh my god. colby." she cried out, looking around the bathroom, overwhelmed by the many pill bottles that were sprawled about. "what are you doing?" she asked, kneeling next to me, trying hard to stay strong.

"please call 911." i whispered, trying to catch my breath. she nodded frantically, pulling out her phone, and dialing 911. "you can't leave me colby. you're all i have." she whispered, crying hard. "i know. i'm so sorry." i cried, grabbing her hand.

we only have five seconds to chose to go or to stay...

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