awful things

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don't play the song until i tell you (((((((:

--annie's pov--

today is the talent show. i'm not very excited, but my friends are going to be in it, so i kind of have to watch. the bell rings, and i walk out of my last period class. i walk down the stairs and find my locker. tori and gracie are already sitting there, waiting for me.

"hey, hoes." i say, opening my locker. "heeeyyy." tori says. tori always finds a way to piss me off, and today, she was making out with my boyfriend in the boys' locker room. "you know, i'm not in the mood to talk with either of you right now." i said, stuffing my backpack in my locker.

"then who are you going to watch the talent show with?" gracie asks. "natalie, dowlay, likki,  and probably alex." i slam my locker, and go looking for all my friends. "okay, let me know if you need anything." gracie says. tori just scoffs. gracie i have absolutely no problem with, she is the kindest soul known to man, it's just tori.

"anne hathaway, crazy seeing you here." valerio said, catching up to me. "saw your shower video on tik tok." i said, laughing. his cheeks immediately turn red. "tha-tha-tha-that's my shit." i whisper in his ear.

"shut up." he said, running his hand through his beautiful brown hair. "so.. since you broke up with owen rawson, i was thinking that you should date me... valerio chris." he said, sounding pretty proud of himself.

"hmmm.. i will actually have pass on that one," i said, sticking my bottom lip out. "come on. who doesn't want to date the popular high school jock? star football player? it's all right here... and he's asking you out." valerio said, pointing at my chest when he said, 'you'.

"you're out of my league." i said, shrugging. "you do not honestly believe that." he said, tilting his head to the side, and kind of giving me... 'that look.' "I genuinely do." i said, returning the look. "if anything, you're out of my league," he said, almost begging me at this point.

"then why should i date you?" i asked, annoying him. "come on, bunny. give me a chance." barf. bunny. the nickname he'd given me in seventh grade. it had stuck around between him and his friend group for five years now. ridiculous.

"i'll think about it, i have to go catch up with my friends." i said, walking away. i walk off, and immediately spot my friends. "heys hoe bagss." i said, hugging alex from behind. "heeyyyy." they all said in unison. 

"so, are we all going to the talent show, or what?" i asked, looking around at all of them. "duhh." likki said, smiling. "great, i was thinking we go now. because i don't wanna be seated at the back." i said, leading them all to the auditorium. "god, annie, you're such a nerd." alex said, following after me. "i know." i smiled. 

we all sat down close to the front, making me happy. alex sat next to me on my right, and natalie sat to the left of me. "when does this start?" alex asked, playing with my fingers-a thing he's always done-"in twelve minutes." i said, looking at the time on my phone.

"that's sooooo long," he said, his head resting on my shoulder. "you'll get over it." i said, playing with his hair.


it was already halfway through the show, and there had been no good acts thus far. then, a senior with purple hair walked onto the stage. i sit up straight in my chair. "this is gonna be it." natalie whispered. i smiled, thinking the same thing.

"umm... i'm colby brock, and i'm going to be singing a song." he said, shrugging. he held the microphone in his hands, and shook a little as he waited for the music to start playing.

--play the song now--

the music plays, and it sounds awfully familiar. 

"bother me, tell me awful things.
you know i love it when you do that helps me get through this without you."

i smile widely.

"bother me, tell me awful things.
you know i love it when you do that,
 helps me get through this without you.
 know i love it when you move that on me,
 love it when you do that on me."

butterflies is all i could feel.

"you like attention, i find it obvious.
she makes it obvious for me.
she feels the tension, it's just the two of us.
it's just the two of us tonight."

"burn me down till i'm nothing but memories.
i get it, girl, i get it, girl.
burn me down till i'm nothing but memories.
i get it girl, i'm not the one,"

"bother me, tell me awful things.
you know i love it when you do that,
 helps me get through this without you.
bother me, tell me awful things.
you know i love it when you move that on me,
 love it when you do that on me."

"don't you turn your back on me.
let your teardrops fall on me.
i'm speeding away, the city in the rearview.
heart racing whenever i'm near you.
gothboi, jumping on stage.
carry me away, carry me away."

"burn me down, till there's nothing left.
i will scream your name with my last breath.
take off your favorite dress.
lay your head on my chest.
diamonds, rubies, and gems.
you can have all of them."

"bother me, tell me awful things.
you know i love it when you do that,
 helps me get through this without you.
bother me, tell me awful things.
you know i love it when you move that on me,
love it when you do that on me."

"wow," i whisper to myself. my heart pumped as i watched him walk off stage. "girl, you better go snatch him before someone else does." natalie says, pushing me off my seat. "say less." i said, running out of the auditorium

i walk out of the doors and try looking for him. and there he was, leaning against the wall. wasn't that hard to find him, i suppose. 

"hey. you did really good in there," i said, walking up to him. "oh, thanks." he chuckled. "you a peep fan?" i asked, trying to create a conversation. "i loved him. you?" he asked, smiling. "absolutely. i went to three of his concerts." i said, gleaming.

"no way. i only got to go to one." he said, sounding sad. "well, at least you got to go to one." i said, punching his arm lightly. "true." he said, nodding. "what's your name?" he asked, pointing to me. "annie." i said. "colby, right?" i questioned him.

"that's me." he smiled. "cool. is it alright if i get your number?" i asked, pulling out my phone. "sure, annie." he smiled. he took my phone, and put his contact into it.

"thank you." i said, looking at the contact, then turning off my phone and putting in my pocket. "no problem." he said, looking deep into my eyes.

and that's how a teen romance came to be...


haven't posted in a while. whoops. i had to write a story about this song, since i love it so damn much. (: googbye. 

-yee fuckin' haw

colby brock smuts / imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ