Sorry (not sorry)

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You wake up next to Sam, your boyfriend. You were happy with Sam, but you felt like something was missing, just you couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"Good morning, babe." Sam says while rubbing his eyes, and stretching. "Good morning." You smile back.

You got up and went to the bathroom. But it was locked. 'damn it colby' you thought to yourself. You knocked on the door to ask him when he was going to be done. "I'll be done in a minute." He snaps back. "Jesus, fine." You whisper to yourself.

Colby didn't really like you. Ever since you started dating Sam, he starting being a snob towards you, which frustrated you. You tried to talk to him, and be nice to him. But no matter what, he's rude towards you.

You go back to your room and lay back in bed waiting for Colby to be done going to the bathroom. "Babe, me and the boys are going to the trampoline park today, wanna come?" Sam whispers to you. "Nah, I think I'll lay back." You say, pulling the covers up to your chest.

Finally after what seemed to be an eternity, Colby walks out of the bathroom, and into his bedroom slamming the door. "Hey is something wrong with Colby, he's being a douche bag lately." You say while standing up. "I don't know, he hasn't mentioned anything that could be upsetting him." Sam says in a casual tone. 'hmm' you think to yourself.

After walking out of the bathroom, you bump into someone. You look up, and of course, it's Colby. "Oops, my bad." You say looking up at him. "Mhmm." Colby hums in a sassy tone. "Okay, anyways are you going to the trampoline park today?" You ask, trying to make small talk. "Nope." He says, looking up from his phone. 'great' you think to yourself.

-time skip-

"Alright, bye y/n, if you need anything, I'm only one call away." Sam says, pecking you on the lips. "Okay sounds good." You say wrapping Sam into a loose hug.

After all the boys leave, you go up to your room and get some editing done. You edit for about an hour before you hear a knock on the door. "Yellllo." You say, taking out one of your earbuds. "I wanted to talk to you." Colby says from the other side of the door. You walk over to the door and open it, to see a distressed looking Colby.

"You okay, bub?" You asked looking into his deep beautiful eyes. "Y/n, I'm sorry I'm so mean to you." He says, fiddling with his rings. You wait a moment before saying, "Is Sam making you do this." Raising your eyebrow. "What-no." He says, almost in a snappy tone. "Okay, well, whats your damage, because I have to edit this video." You say pointing to your laptop.

"I'm jealous." Colby says looking straight into your eyes. "Oh my lord, if this is about one of your side hoes, I don't want to be a part of this." You say, shutting the door. He stops it with his hand. "It's not y/n, it's about you." He says keeping eye contact.

"What..?" You say in disbelief. "I hate that you're happy with Sam, and that Sam is happy with you." He sputters out. "I should be happy for Sam, because he is my best friend, but I can't be happy for him when I'm falling for his girlfriend." He sighs. "Hey, do you wanna talk about this on the bed?" You ask, walking towards it. "Sure." He mumbles following you.

You look into his eyes, and it clicks, that's what has been missing. Colby. You would've been a fool to brush off the feelings, the butterflies that Colby gives you, but you didn't want to betray Sam, so you brushed them off.


This is part one. might make part two if this gets any reads ;P

-yee fuckin' haw

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