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~6 months later

Tatiana POV

tightly holding onto Alex. His head on my now swollen belly. Gulping loudly as he had lost so much weight, his skin pale. Since he had started to lose his hair he decided to shave it off completely. It brought me nothing but pain to see him in constant pain, "Gattina" he calls out making me look down at him, placing kisses on my jawline, "why aren't you asleep Gattina" he says tiredly. Giving him a soft smile, "I don't know" I say pecking his lips. Looking down to gently rub my belly, "do you think it's a boy or girl?" I question, "I don't know" he breaths before looking up at me, "and I don't care" he smiles tightly. "We have your appointment today" I smile tightly, making him close his eyes in dread. Alex couldn't stand the chemotherapy, he felt weak afterwards and could hardly do anything. He is still in charge of his business but I do take over from time to time.

Going to the hospital as I sat by him in silence before driving back home, making sure he's tucked in bed. Deciding to have dinner with the kids I make my way to the office, "So far everything is doing well, profits are booming and our clients are happy" Danté says following behind me. Plopping down the chair, taking the file from him, "I will make sure I pay the hotels a visit, it's been a while" I say tiredly. Nodding his head in understanding before looking down his watch, "I better get going, I have a couple of things I need to take care of, is there anything you need?" He questions, shaking my head, "I'm done for the night" I say offering a tight smile. Nodding his head, "well I'll see you tomorrow, get you and that baby some rest si" he smiles, "night" I whisper. Making his way out before shutting the door.

Placing my hand on my tummy, tiredly breathing out. My family is coming together however I hardly had time to myself. Getting up from the chair making my way out the balcony, the cool air hitting my skin. The sound of the door opening breaking my thoughts, "I thought you would be asleep" I breathe looking up the sky. My eyes widen at the feel of the cold barrel on the back of my neck, "hola Tatiana" the voice whispers coldly, "Rosalina" I breathe....

I'm back❤️

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