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Warning ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️Extreme sexual content ahead

Third Person POV

Getting to the house as Alexander's jaw clenched. Walking further in the office, looking down the carpet noticing the bits of blond hair. The sound of his phone ringing breaking their thoughts, "Alessandro" Emilio says, "Why did you take my wife?" He questions, chuckling at his words, "oh no my friend, this has nothing to do with you but more with her" he says in amusement, "see she killed one of my men and someone helped her, I'm just going to have a talk with her I hope you still working on what I asked though" he says sadistically, "because trust me you not getting either of them if you don't" Emilio says before hanging up. Looking down in frustration, his hands on his head as he begins pacing, before Marco can say anything the art on the wall is ripped off before smashed against the table as he screams out. Panic taking over him, "Alessandro" Marco calls out, pacing, "Alessandro" Marco calls out calmly, pacing, "ALESSANDRO!" He calls out making him face him wide eyed, "you need to calm down" Marco says, "I know it's bad but you need to calm down so we can sit down and think" Marco says sternly as he breathed out heavily, walking over to him grabbing hold of his face before placing his forehead against his, his eyes staring into Alexander's, "we are going to retrace our steps and we are going to them back and kill that son of a bitch" Marco says, "we are not going to let him break us, WE WILL GET THEM" he says as Alexander's breathing steadied.

Third Person POV (Emilio)
A smirk playing on his face as he looked up at Diego, "Lo tenemos" (we have him) he smiles. Grabbing the whiskey bottle as he poured it down his glass, "ahora Diego" (now Diego) he says making him look up to face, "Creo que es hora de enterrar a nuestra pequeña Rose" (I think it's time we bury our little Rose) he smiles sadistically, "Qué te hizo cambiar de opinión" (what made you change your mind) Diego questions excitedly, "ha pasado mucho tiempo, quiero que se vaya ahora. ¿Puedes hacer eso por mi?" (It's been long overdue, I want her gone now. Can you do that for me) he questions coldly, A smirk makes its way to Diego's face, "con honor" (with honor) he says......

Tatiana POV
Blindfolded as the two men guided me god knows where, groaning at the pain on my head from the beating. Hearing a door being opened as I'm shoved in, my eyes flutter as the blindfold is removed. Scanning the place I gasp the sight of Luca, "baby" I say running over to him as he looked up at me, grabbing him for a tight hug, "mama" he sobs as I tightly held onto him. "Where's papa" he questions, "Volverse loco" (going crazy) the voice says making us both turn, instinctively bringing Luca closer to me as Emilio took steps towards us. A smile on his face as he stood before us is his white shirt with black dress pants, squatting down to my level, reaching over to touch my face making me back up, a smile playing on his face, "Dios, you so much more beautiful in person" (god) he smiles, "Paul!" He calls out making my eyes widen, the man I had been sure I will never have to see made his way inside, the man I hate with all my being stood with a smirk, Emilio turning to face him, "you said she's beautiful but not this much" Emilio laughs, Luca tightly clutching onto my dress. Turning to face us again, squatting down to me, his face so close that I could smell his breath, "oh the things I want to do to you" he says with a dirty smile, reaching down to touch me making me back up, his eyes widening before narrowing his eyes over to Luca warningly, "he will pay" he says warningly. Reaching over to touch my hair, "wh...whatever it is you want to do, not in front of him please" I say pleadingly, "not in front of him I'm begging you" I croak. "puedo respetar eso" (I can respect that) he says getting up with a smile on his face. "levantarse" (get up) he orders, with shaky hands I loosen my grip on Luca making his tighten as he whimpered, kissing down his head, "listen to me baby" I say pleadingly as he tightens his hold on me, "I will be back I promise, just let mommy go I will be back" I cry before forcefully peeling his hands off me. Crying out for me as I quietly sobbed, Emilio leading me out the room along with Paul.
Getting to what seems like a bedroom my eyes scan the place as fear takes over, "so since you asked that we respect your son, I have decided we give your husband a show" he says making me shake my head.


Third Person POV
Alexander's phone connected to the MacBook as him and Marco went through some calls, the sound of it ringing breaks their thoughts. Alexander's brows furrowing at the live video on the MacBook before clicking on it. Marco's eyes widening at the sight of Tatiana in her dress, her eyes teary as she remained silent. Appearing before them Paul and Emilio, "surprise" they say in unison as she stood between them. Alexander's eyes wide in horror. "Wow brother she looks even more beautiful in person" Emilio says sadistically, "what are you doing" Alex asks warningly, looking over to Tatiana, "oh brother don't you want proof that she's alive" he says caressing her body as she remained glued to her position, "I got it now stop!" Alex says, "oh no my friend, this is only the beginning of our show" he says. Turning to face her, placing his hands on her neck before forcefully pulling her in for a kiss, holding her head in place as he forcefully explored her mouth before pulling away. "Okay Emilio I get your point that's enough" Alex says in panic, letting the first strap of her dress slide off her arm, shaking her head, "please don't do this to him" she croaks, "shhhhhh, Princess" he says sliding the other one of, "Emilio I get the message stop" Alex says pleadingly. Ignoring his words Emilio grabs the dress down her legs leaving her in her black bra and panties, shaking his head, "depressing color I must say" he says, pulling her closer before painfully grabbing on her butt cheek giving it a painful squeeze, "but perfect body" he smiles. Marco watching in horror as the scene unfolded, "Emilio I'm at your mercy now i know, I'm begging you stop" Alex says desperately pleading, "oh no brother I need to teach you how to use a body like this" he says.....

Tatiana POV
Standing bare as tears uncontrollably slid down my cheeks, dragging me to the bed, "oh no baby. I want to look into those beautiful eyes as I fuck You" he says sliding my panties off as my body shook in horror, licking the tears off my cheeks, "I want you and your little husband to see and think of me whenever you think about fucking" he says coldly before roughly ripping my bra off me making me instinctively cover myself in shame. "Please not in front of him" I cry. Throwing me on the bed as I began to sob, Alexander's voice filling the room through the speakers as he begged, closing my legs he leans against me, "you know I get very very cranky when my erection goes to waste, I will have no choice but to be with Luca who won't give me problems" he says making me lowly part them as I looked away. Feeling his hands on my folds as my sobs filled the room, "not exactly how I like it" he says. Hearing him unbuckle his pants, the sound of the zipper going down filling my ears as I uncontrollably sobbed, roughly spreading my legs wider, feeling the head at my entrance, "look at me" he instructs, sobbing as I continued to look away my face is roughly grabbed making me stare into his eyes, immediately thrusting into me as a scream erupted from me in pure agony, beginning his violent thrusts as I laid there losing pieces of myself, no sound seemed to come out but tears only seemed to streamed down, my body frozen in place as the man hissed and groaned, punching my thighs forcing me to stare into his eyes as he mercilessly thrust into me, no sound seemed to be coming, my body refusing to move as I laid there. Feeling him invade my body, groaning out after minutes that felt like hours his seed fills me. Feeling another head enter me, Paul beginning his assault on me as I laid there with no expression, no screams, no cries leave my lips as I drown in shame, disgust and emptiness. Feeling my soul leave my body at each thrust. This going on for another hour as I laid there with no emotions.

Captured (Part 2 and 3) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum