3 (unedited)

720 37 5

Alexander POV

Walking out the room, there sat a man that looks to be in his mid 50s, his blond hair with dark roots, staring into the man's eyes his brows furrow at how familiar they look. A smirk making its way to the man's face, "Alessandro" he calls out, "you sure have grown" he says with his thick Russian accent, Alex raising his brow at the man, "you won't remember me, I'm Henry Zelda" he says, "I worked with your uncle Leornado for years, you and Marco were still too young" he says as Alex plopped down the couch, his brows remained furrowed at his last name, "Zelda?" He questions, "yes, you heard right, I'm Tatiana's father" the man says to Alex. Shaking his head in denial, "her father is dead" he says, "no, it was claimed that he's dead" he says, "the same way it is claimed that one of my daughters is dead" he says. Getting up from his seat, "who sent you?" Alex questions in frustration, "no one" the man says, grabbing his gun from his waistband pointing it at the man, "you shoot me now you will never find her!" the man says in frustration, sighing out, "look, ask Marco about me, dig into some of Leonardo's old files, but make it quick, time isn't on our side" he says placing a card on the table.....
Reaching into his pocket, dialing a number on his phone before placing it against his hear, "capo" (boss) the voice says as Alex rushed upstairs, "Prepara il mio aereo tra 10 minuti, parto per New York" (get my plane ready in 10 minutes, I'm going to New York) he says reaching the bedroom, "mentre ci sei, procurami alcuni file su un uomo di nome Henry Zelda, approfondisci come indagare i suoi nomi sui file e sulle transazioni di Leonardo" (while you at it, get me some files on a man named Henry Zelda, go deep as investigating his name in Leonardo's files and transactions, I need that in an hour) he orders, before the can protest he hangs up. Rushing in his closet, dragging a suitcase the door swings open, "What's going on" Rosalina asks in confusion as he grabbed the folded shirts, "call Elizabeth" he orders, "where are you going?" She asks, "New York" he says coldly grabbing more of his clothes, "huh?"Rosa says In confusion as walked passed her, "Elizabeth!" He calls out, hearing her response he rushes back in the room, "I'll be back tomorrow" he says, "w..what about Emilio's mother?" She whisper yells, "keep a close watch on her, we'll start moving tomorrow" he says, "what's going on" Elizabeth  asks tiredly rushing through room, "please help me pack my toiletries, i need to go" he says, nodding her head in understanding before he left the room, Rosalina hot on his heels, "Alessandro, you not making sense, what did that man say!" She says in frustration, turning to face her, his eyes cold, "just do what I say and I'll explain everything later" he says....

Stepping in the private jet. Closing his eyes at the empty seat in front of his , knowing that was always her seat. His eyes clenching at the thought of her smile while seated there. Her smooth creamy legs usually on him, "Mr Giordano" the voice says snapping him out of his thoughts, "uhm, I was asking if I could offer you anything to drink or eat" the woman says, "a strong cup of black coffee" he says, nodding her head before walking past him. Pressing hard on his eyes at the tears that were ready to spill. Sadness filled him, if he could have it his way he would cry  everyday, everything reminded him of her, even in sleeping with Rosalina seemed to fail at filling the void. The number of cars and property he bought did absolutely nothing to heal his wound. Seeing the cup of coffee placed in front of him. Searching in his wallet, finding the powdery substance that he swore he would never touch again, is the only medicine that seemed to numb the pain. Pouring the coke on the back of his hand, snorting the substance before slowly throwing his head back, cleaning his nose of the powder before stuffing the bag in his wallet. Taking a sip of the coffee as he felt stronger, less emotional........

Driving into the driveway

Stepping out the car as the men grabbed his bags, the door swinging open appearing a happy Marco, engulfing him in a brotherly hug as the smiled in happiness

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Stepping out the car as the men grabbed his bags, the door swinging open appearing a happy Marco, engulfing him in a brotherly hug as the smiled in happiness. "I was starting to think I should fly over to you" he says leading him in making Alex roll his eyes as he scanned the house, "Devo dire fratello, non sono impressionato da questa baracca che chiami casa quando puoi costruire un hotel" (I must say brother, I am not impressed by this shack you call a home when you can build a hotel) he whispers to Marco making the both of them chuckle as he throws a punch at his shoulder, "sai meglio di chiunque altro non ho voce in capitolo" (you know better than anyone I have no say in this) he whispers chuckling, "Hi Alex" the voice booms making him look up at Lizzy, a small smile on his face, "hi" he smiles bringing her in for a friendly hug, "congratulations on your beautiful baby girl" he says sincerely, "speaking of which" he smiles leaning down the small bag, handing it to Lizzie, "this is for my goddaughter" he says. Opening the back, a black velvet small box comes into view making Lizzy's brow rise. Carefully opening, she gasp at the sight

A small bracelet along with a huge necklace

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A small bracelet along with a huge necklace.
In between the two, words printed in gold reading:

alla mia bellissima figlioccia (to my beautiful goddaughter)
Tears brimming Lizzy's eyes, "though I'm hurt that the bracelet alone costs more than my wedding and engagement ring together, it's beautiful" she says making the both of us chuckle, "only the best for her my daughter" he smirks proudly, "now where are both my kids, I brought them some toys" he asks making Marco roll his eyes as Lizzy chuckled, "Marcello is at the playroom and the nanny was changing the baby, let me go get them" she says rushing off.

Sighing as he's lead to the kitchen, "anyway brother, how have you been holding up?" Marco questions, sighing, "I've been trying, Luca still isn't speaking, Laura cries for her daily, I don't know" he says, "but we both know that's not why I'm here" he says, "of course, but first can we eat then we talk about whatever it is later?" Marco asks, "of course" he says. "Uncle Alex!" the little boy booms making Alex turn to face him, picking him up, "how's my boy" he laughs, "strong" he says fisting his small arm making Alex chuckle, flexing his, "you getting close to these ones eh" he says making the boy nod in confidence as they chuckled, putting him down, "now let me meet your sister" he says making his way over to the little girl, smiling at the sight of the brown skinned little girl, clearly she had taken more of Lizzy's complexion. His eyes meeting her wide light brown ones, her long lashes apparent, "sei così bello" (you so beautiful) he says gently taking her from Lizzy in complete awe, "sono Alessandro, il tuo padrino" (I'm Alessandro, your godfather) he says cooingly, "e quello che aiuterà tuo padre a sparare ai ragazzi che proveranno ad avvicinarti" (and the one to help your father shoot any boys that try to come near you) he says making Lizzy gasp, "Alex!" She squeals hitting his arm as the men chuckled.......

Having dinner with the family as they updated him on their life and businesses. Ending the dinner the two men made their way to the office. "So a man named Henry Zelda came" he Says making Marco's brows furrow, "yes Zelda, claiming to be Tatiana's father" he says, "I thought he was dead" Marco says in confusion, "I thought so too, until I asked Antonio to go through Leonardo's old files" he says handing him the phone, scrolling through the phone his eyes widen, "uh...h..how did they even do this I didn't even know he could do that back then" Marco says in shock, "well it turns out the Mexicans were after him, he couldn't take Tatiana with, so they faked his death and clearly gave him a whole new life" Alex says in disbelief. "So what does he want now?" Marco questions making Alex sigh in frustration, "he wasn't making sense and what...what he says cannot possibly make sense" Alex says with teary eyes, "I refuse to believe it" he says making Marco furrow his brows, "then I guess we going to find out and get to the bottom of it" Marco says making Alex look up at him, "you have a family to take care of" He says, staring into his eyes, "and I started this war with you, therefore I'm going to end it with you" he says sternly......

Captured (Part 2 and 3) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن