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Tatiana POV

Looking down at sleeping Luca, his hands wrapped around me, his head on my lap as he spent the whole night calling after me, asking me what happened. I wanted to scream, fight and yell but all my body could do was remain still. My heart was broken by Alex's betrayal but all I want at this moment is him. I wanted him to hold me, I think to myself as I close my eyes as the thought of his strong scent, whispering to me that everything would be okay, tears streaming down my face. Coming to terms with my violation made me numb, but what made my heart clench is the defeat, hurt and desperation I could hear from his voice. Even with all he has done, I know that he loves me and this killed him. Why he cheated I don't know but sitting at this moment I cannot question his love for me. The sound of the door opening breaks my thoughts. Appearing Emilio dressed in dress pants and a black shirt. "Wow you look like you haven't slept" he says, "you know if we had met under different circumstances, maybe we would have had a good thing going" he says squatting down to look at me. Reaching over caressing my breasts, "again I repeat, you are just beautiful" he whispers, "boss" the voice I dread booms. Getting up from his position turning to face Paul, "the cars are ready" he says. Looking over to me, "come get her, I doubt she can even move after last night" he says. Stalking over to us, roughly grabbing sleeping Luca from me as he whimpered, a smirk playing on his face as he grabbed me from the floor. Luca instantly clutching onto my dress as we lead out the room. My eyes burning at the sun as we lead out, forced in the back of the van before the doors are shut. Darkness surrounding us.
Luca holding onto me, "mommy what's wrong" he questions, unable to speak as my lips quivered, tears streaming down my face, "papa will get us soon" he says hugging me in comfort.

Third Person POV
Men surrounding the mansion as Alex and Marco planned their moves and possible locations, the sound of his phone ringing breaks his thoughts, answering it, "Alex" Rosalina calls outs, "you never called me back yesterday what's happening" she questions frantically, "I'm attacking tonight Rosalina" he says coldly, "get your stuff ready" he says,  "I've already started packing" she says in panic, "Emilio is acting off, and I'm being followed, I will be there later tonight" she says, hanging up. Looking over to Marco, "it seems the man he's working with has been moving around" he says, "but using Satellite image, we just saw where they moved Tatiana and Luca, we getting them tonight" Marco says. "Are the Russians ready?" Alex questions, "the last shipment of the weapons we need is coming in a few hours, then they will be ready" he says as Alex nod his head. Calling the number that was used for the live video. "Alessandro" Emilio says, "I have the files" he says, "wow! I don't want to ask how you did it but I must say I'm impressed, I was starting to lose faith in you" he laughs, "I'll send you the address in a few hours" he says, "bu-" before he can finish up Alex hangs up.

Tatiana POV
"Your husband has made means to get you back" Emilio says with a smirk playing on his face as we lead out the van, "today is the day the fun begins" he smiles proudly. Appearing before me, Angelo in a black suit, "oh the lovely Mrs Giordano and the future Giordano" he says looking down Luca. "Ti ucciderà, lo sai vero?" (He's going to kill you, you know that right) I say staring into his eyes, chuckling at my words, "he usually wins, but not today" he smiles, "I've never seen him as screwed, he has the Russians on his ass as we speak, he doesn't have men since they all dead, he has nothing" he chuckles as I sent him a glare. Roughly lead to the place surrounded by old houses.....

Third Person POV
Strapping himself up with weapons, his body covered with knives, guns and explosives, "you know I will find a way to repay you Adrian, for all of this" Alex says looking over to the Russian man strapping on his bullet proof, "we've worked together for years" he says, his voice deep with his strong Russian accent, "you have helped me in the most difficult times, risked your life for me and my family more times I can count, so it brings me nothing but honor to help a fellow soldier in a time of war" he says placing his hand on Alexander's shoulder, "we are going to get your wife and son, even if we have to die trying" he says sincerely.

(Rosalina) Third Person POV
Grabbing the guns from the lower drawer, strapping then around her, looking down her feet noticing the shadow approaching, quickly turning the gun is knocked out her before a fist comes in contact with her cheek making her stumble backwards, looking up at Diego, "hola mami" (hello sexy) he smirks holding his fist up, her face cold as she placed her hand on her nose, noticing the blood. Stalking towards him, landing several punches on him as he stumbles backwards, kicking her stomach making her fly across the room as she groaned at the pain on her abdomen from her injury, attempting to get up he kicks her head knocking her out cold....

Grabbing his Ak47, the sound of his phone ringing breaks his thoughts as they prepared to get in the cars, answering it.  Furrowing his brows at the sound of a baby crying, "Alessandro" Diego says, "I have your little girlfriend here and her son" he laughs, Alexander's jaw clenching as his eyes widened, "oh should I say, YOUR son" he says,  "now you have two choices" he says sadistically, "your side piece and BIOLOGICAL son, or your little wife and your adoptive son, 20 minutes, clock is ticking" he says before hanging up.

Who will Alex choose??!!!!

I cannot believe we near the end but I hope you enjoying. Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

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