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Third Person POV

The doctor plopping down the seat in front of Alex. "What do you have for me" he asks. Sighing, "well I went through her blood work, and she didn't test positive for any sexually transmitted diseases" he says making Alex sigh in relief, "she tested positive for drugs however, and a whole bunch of them" he says as Alex waited for him to continue, "uhm, it's bad" he says reluctantly, "when she wakes up today you will see a few symptoms of withdrawal I would recommend rehab" he says making Alex shake his head, "I can't abandon her that's not an option" he says, "bu....but she needs the professional help" the man says, "usually it never works at home, you know that better than anyone" he says to Alex making him clench his jaw, "look I can refer you to a professional if you want" the man says ......

Tatiana POV
Taking a sip of water as my hands trembled uncontrollably, the door swinging open making me quickly look up in horror, tearing up as Elizabeth ran towards me, pulling her in for a hug, "my baby" she cries making me sob, holding onto her tightly as tears streamed down my face, "I missed you" I cry pulling her in tighter, feeling her hands on my cheeks making me stare into her eyes, "it's really you" she cries before pulling me in, "oh baby" she coos tightly holding onto me, sobbing in her arms at the thought of losing her forever, "I can only imagine what they put you through" she sobs, pulling away as she takes hold of my hands, "oh gosh they've been starving my baby" she says making chuckle in sadness, "how have my babies been?" I question desperately, "oh amor they missed you" she says, tears streaming down her face, shaking her head, "oh Luca, he wasn't coping" she cries pulling me in for another hug....

Third Person POV
Alex hearing the knock on his door making him look up, Rosalina appearing before him as she made her way inside, "I heard you asked to see me" she says plopping down the seat, "I did" Alex says now looking up at her. Sighing, "Rosalina you are a beautiful woman" he says making her raise her brow, "inside and out" he sighs, "you have been there for me, for my kids and helped me in anyway you could, I will forever be grateful for that" he says making her send him a slight glare, "we can't continue with what we were doing. You and I, we always had something" he says staring into her teary eyes, "but Tatiana being back made me realize just how much I really love my wife and how much I value our marriage. You will always be the mother of my child that will never change and I will continue to love and take care of our son, but we end today" he says. Closing her eyes for a moment, blinking the tears away, "can I get back to work now?" She questions coldly, "yes" he says. Getting up from her seat before rushing out the office, slamming the door behind her making him sigh...

Tatiana POV
Sitting up on the bed as I stared into blank space, thoughts of what happened replaying themselves in my head as my body slightly shivered, the sound of the door opening snapping me out of my thoughts, "MOMMY!" the two angels run in making me eyes widen as I grab them in for a hug, crying for the 100th time today at my world, "oh my god you two" I cry hugging them tightly, Laura pulling away, "we didn't think we would see you again" she cries as Luca held on tightly to me, "me too baby" I whisper hugging them tightly, taking in their scent as deep emotions ran through me. Luca silently sobbing making my slightly pull away, staring into his eyes, "I'm back, look at me" I cry making him look up at me in sadness, "I'm here now" I cry pulling him in.
Spending some time with them as they told me how they had been doing at school, Luca still had very little to say, Laura would mostly do the talking. Sadness filling me as she spoke about Rosalina, but who could I blame when I wasn't there either, but the thought of her going near them made me feel......jealous, and angry. Had Alex chosen to be with her. Deciding to watch some TV they fell asleep on my lap.
The door swinging open, a small smile playing on Alexander's face. Walking over to them, gently tapping them on their shoulders,  "it's time for bed" he says gently, "mama needs to rest now" he says with a tight smile. Tiredly getting up from the bed, "goodnight mom, goodnight papa" they say groggily making me smile, "goodnight my angels" I say as they made their way out.

Sighing as he plopped down, "can we talk?" He asks reluctantly, nodding my head. "I spoke to the doctor, I had asked him to test for everything" he says making me gulp, "don't worry, your bloodwork came out clean" he says, "but as for the drug test Gattina" he sighs making me look down in shame. Taking hold of my shaking hand interlocking our fingers as I stared down, placing a kiss on the top of it, "we will beat this" he whispers cooingly, gently grabbing my chin making me stare into the eyes I missed so much, "and I will make Emilio pay" he says sincerely...

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