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Tatiana POV

Sitting out in the garden as Alexis sat next to me as a form of comfort, "I just don't know anymore" I whisper, gently stroking my back, "look, I don't know what to tell but it will be okay" she says cooingly. My brows furrowing at the white female figure in a white suit making her way towards the table. My eyes widening as she gets closer realizing it's Stella (Angelo's wife). Her dark brown shoulder length hair neatly styled to the side, wearing a pair of black Chanel sunglasses, her bright red lipstick giving her a bold look. A red leather handbag in her hand, and flowers in her other hand.

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Reaching the table, "Stella" I say in disbelief getting up from my seat, "Tati" she smiles taking off her sunglasses making her way over to me,  going around the table engulfing me in a tight hug, "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner I've been so bu...

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Reaching the table, "Stella" I say in disbelief getting up from my seat, "Tati" she smiles taking off her sunglasses making her way over to me, going around the table engulfing me in a tight hug, "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner I've been so busy" she laughs, pulling away in disbelief, "you look stunning" I say looking down her figure making her laugh. Her eyes were brighter, handing me the flowers, "this is for you" she smiles, taking the flowers from her, "thank you" I smile. Her skin better than ever, "you...look happy" I laugh in disbelief, "because I am" she smiles, sighing looking over to Alexis who's now standing, "excuse my rudeness uhm Alexis this is my friend Stella Luciano, Stella this is my friend Alexis" I smile, Stella offering her a friendly handshake, "nice to meet you" she smiles, "nice to meet you too" Alexis says politely. Looking over to me, "uhm I better get back to work" she says, "can I get you anything to drink or eat" Alexis asks looking over Stella, "just ice water with sliced lemon thanks" she smiles, " plopping down the seat. "Can I take that from you?" Alexis asks, "sure" I smile handing the flowers to her before leaving us turning my attention back to Stella. "Oh my God how have you been?" I ask, "well since the death of my husband I've been better than ever" she smiles making me laugh, "but I came to you, how are you Amor" she says taking my hands in hers. Catching up with Stella as we updated each other everything that's happened, turns out she took over Angelo's empire. When she wanted to leave the business Alex suggested she takes over and is under his protection and had people show her the ropes, and now she's making a lot more than Angelo ever did. I couldn't be happier for her independence, "oh my kids are happier, I'm happier, everyone's happier with that bastard gone" she shrugs, "the best decision I ever made for myself and that family was making sure my husband dies" she says taking a sip of her water. Sighing out, "now, what's this I'm hearing about you letting a common whore step on your toes in your own castle because of a baby" she says making my furrow my brows, "who told you that?" I ask, "no one, you just did" she smiles tightly making me sigh out, "aside from that black eye, your face is just written marriage problems" she says making me send her a glare as she chuckles lightly grabbing a cigarette from her purse. "I've decided I want a divorce when this is over" I sigh, lighting it up before puffing out the smoke, "why?" She questions, "Stella I've sacrificed everything for this man, all I keep getting back now is disappointment, hurt, and drama" I sigh, "NOW you say" she says puffing out the smoke making me turn to face her, "yes" I breathe. "Tati you have been married for what 10 years" she says looking over to me, "9" I correct, "now tell me during this 9 did he hurt, disappoint you, were you happy have you been unhappy?" She questions making me look down, "I've been happy" I say lowly, "he's been a good, loving, caring husband, right, everything you could ask for?" She questions making me nod my head in guilt. Taking the last puff of her cigarette, "now look at me chica" she says making me turn to face her. "I'm not taking Alessandro's side here but throughout these 9 years you have been one happy bride, happy life, everything you wanted and when things get tough, you what, run?" She questions, "he chea-" "I don't care what he did!" She says silencing me. "He fucked up, so what he's human, I'm not saying let him off the hook but I'm saying stay your ass down and don't let another whore take your marriage and everything else from you" she says sternly, "I don't care about the money Stella, it was never about the money" I spit, "I love Alex and he hurt me" I croak. "Stop crying and fight for your marriage!" She spits making me furrow my brows. "Listen to me, that whore and every other desperate women, has been waiting for you to clear your closet so you are not about to give them that" she whispers sternly, "think about your kids, fine your LOVE for him" she says making me stare into blank space, "are you willing to throw 9 fucken years of love and happiness over him fucking up" she spits, "you listen to me and you listen to me well. You are not going to let that common whore rule you in your castle, and you definitely not going to let her break your family apart, everything you have built with your husband" she spits grabbing my chin forcing me to face her. "You are going to stand up like the strong woman you are and you are going to fight tooth and nail for your marriage and your family, do you understand me" she says sternly as I remained silent at her words, "and call me if you need me to kill that puttana, I will be more than happy to assist" (whore) she winks taking a sip of her water.

What do ya'll think is Stella right????

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