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Third Person POV (Rosa)

Walking over to the given location, dressed in a pair of high waist grey ripped jeans outlining her round butt and wide hips, a pair of 6 inch round toe black ankle boots with a cropped black turtle neck letting her hair down. Greeting guards before walking past the metal door, walking further in the room before reaching the dark wooden door, there stood Emilio and Diego conversing, briefly knocking making the men turn to face her, a smile making it's way on Emilio's face, "mi hermosa hermana" (my beautiful sister) as he got up from his seat, "hola" (hi) Rosalina smiles walking over to him, engulfing each other in a tight hug, "como has estado" (how have you been) says placing his hands around her face, "He estado bien, ¿cómo está mamá?" (I've been good, how's mama) she says lovingly, pulling away from her, "ha sido buena, ha estado preguntando por ti" (she's been good, she's been asking about you) he says walking over to his seat, smiling at his words, "Bueno, veo que te has escondido donde has estado" (well I see you've went into hiding where have you been) she says crossing her legs, "no hay nada de que preocuparse, terminará pronto" (nothing for you to worry about it will be over soon) he smiles, going on as Rosalina continued to ask clue questions, not giving anything out their moment is interrupted by Diego, "es la hora" (it's time) Diego says to Emilio as he got up from his seat leaving the two.
Getting up from her seat, making her way out Diego stepping in front of her blocking her way, "sabes, cuando interrogamos a la chica que causó una distracción en el club, dijo que una chica cubierta de tatuajes le pagó" (you know, last night when we interviewed the girl that caused a distraction she said a woman covered in tattoos paid her) he says sadistically staring into her eyes, offering him a small smile, "entonces?" (So?) she asks, "no creo que haya olvidado que tú y Giordano alguna vez fueron un artículo" (don't think I forgot that you and Giordano were once an item) he smirks, chuckling at his words before taking a step closer, "Estás sugiriendo que traicionaría a la familia por un hombre que se olvidó completamente de mí como si fuera una prostituta común?" (Are you suggesting that I would betray the family for a man that forgot about me as if I was a common whore?) she questions, "No, me pregunto qué harías si se te acercara" (no I'm just wondering just what you would do if he approached you) he says now with a straight face, "quieres saber que haría" (you want to know what I do?) She questions leaning into him, "Le pondría una bala en el cráneo" (I would put a bullet in his skull) she whispers trying to walk off before her hand is snatched back, "algo pasa contigo, el jefe puede no verlo, pero yo sí, y cuando descubra qué es, voy a dar una muerte lenta y dolorosa" (something's up with you, the boss may not see it but I do, and when I found out what it is I'm going to give you a very slow painful death) he says against her ear, smiling at his words as she turned to face him, "oh Diego" she fake frowns, "estás acostumbrado a ser una niñera, bueno, eso es todo lo bueno para ti, ya que Emilio te dejó para cuidar a un niño de 10 años, pero afirma que eres el segundo al mando. Dime, ¿por qué crees que él nunca te lleva a ninguna reunión de negocios pero lleva a Hugo con él, el más bajo?" (You so use to being a babysitter well that's all you good for since Emilio left you to look after a 10 year told yet claims you the second in command. Tell me, why do you think he never takes you to any business meeting yet takes Hugo with him, the lowest ranking?) she smiles, leaning against him that he could smell her breath, "porque aunque soy mujer, tengo muchas más pelotas que tú." (Because even though I'm a woman, I have so much more balls than you) she spits roughly grabbing her arm from him as he stood fuming, "pongámonos en marcha" (let's get going shall we) she smirks making her way out the office.

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