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Third Person POV

Men dressed in black suits along with Stella being the only female seated around the table. Men carrying gun surrounding each one of them. "So gentlemen and lady of course, we all know the Gonzalez are no longer in charge because they all dead" Alex says, "since we were all worried about the product I have made contact with the new family, you will receive your product by the end of tomorrow" he says making the men nod in agreement. "What's sitting in front of you are the contracts regarding the 7% increase in prices starting from next month" He says making their brows furrow, "excuse me Alessandro but have you gone insane, 7%!" Stella says, shrugging his shoulders, "the 7% is worth it I assure you, the product will be stronger and better, your customers will not mind paying more for it" he says, "are you now snorting cocaine since you know it's better?" She questions. "The product you will receive tomorrow comes with the samples of the new one" he says, looking over to Stella, "now of course you can try it yourself perhaps" he says making her roll her eyes. "Can I submit the contract after I've tested it"  one of the men question, "of course, just make sure it's 7 days before the end of the month" he says making him nod.
The men asking the questions as they continued to interact. "Now I have one last issue I think I need to address" Alex says looking over to the light skinned African American man, "Felix you need to end this war you have on your hands" he says, shrugging his shoulders, "I have it under control" the man shrugs, "I cannot continue losing men to a war that isn't theirs and risking my men's lives. Tomorrow's the last time we risk, until you fix your affairs, I won't be delivering the product to you" he says.

Wheeling his way to the car, "Alessandro" the voice calls out, Stella appearing in front of him. "posso parlarti un momento" (can I have a word with you) she ask, looking up at his men dismissing them. "So che non sono affari miei, ma Tatiana è la mia migliore amica" (I know it's none of my business, but Tatiana is my best friend) she says as he looked up at her coldly, "Ma sono venuto solo per dirti se le avessi mai messo di nuovo una mano, la troverò il miglior avvocato e mi assicurerò che non guardi mai indietro" (I just came to tell if you lay a hand on her again I will find her the best lawyer and make sure she never looks back) she says coldly. A smirk appearing on his face, "hai iniziato bene quando hai detto che non sono affari tuoi perché non lo è" (you started off well when you said it's none of your business because it isn't) he says calmly, "non dimentichiamo che sono la ragione per cui sei qui. Il motivo per cui tua suocera crudele non ti ha perseguitato" (Let's not forget I'm the reason why you standing here, the reason why your cruel mother in law has not went after you) he says staring up at her in disgust, "Suggerirei di rimanere nella tua corsia, signora Luciano, altrimenti ti bruceresti" (I would suggest staying in your lane Mrs Luciano, or you will get burnt) he says coldly wheeling off.....

Tatiana POV

Seated in front of the middle aged man who's our Couple's therapist. This being my second session with him since our first one where I was with Alex and we explained everything about our relationship, as in EVERYTHING and all that's happened to me while at Emilio's.
"So Tatiana I would like for us to discuss the incident that took place in Abu Dhabi, the one that's led us here" he says calmly, nodding my head. "Let's start at the beginning, your reason for leaving when it had only been a few days since Alexander had come back" he says making me sigh. "I was tired" I say honestly, "After everything that happened while I was taken, Alex didn't seem to look at me the same" I say, "can you elaborate on that" he says. Clearing my throat, "before all of this h...he showed attraction towards me, from the way he would look at me it would be with love and lust" , looking down in shame, "no all I see is this....pity and sometimes even disgust" I croak. "There are days where I want him to hold me, to cuddle with me" shaking my head as the tears stream down my face, "but I'm too afraid to ask because I feel like I disgust him" I cry. "Have you spoken to him about it?" He questions, shaking my head, "no" I croak looking up at the man, "have you shared any of your personal thoughts since the event?" He questions, shaking my head wiping the tears off. "So tell me how did you feel when you left" he asks, "uhm...I felt like I could take a break. The trip for me was all about having fun, being my old self again" I sigh, "did you feel that way?" He asks, "I didn't, I felt like I was forcing smiles while I had this weight on my shoulders, to be honest I wouldn't crave the drugs but I would think about taking them just to ease the pain" I say staring into blank space. Scribbling down his diary, "let's get to you meeting Lucas, describe the experience to me and how it felt" he says. Sighing, "I was at the club, and I obviously had some drinks" I say as the image played itself in my mind, "he asked me to dance, which I know I should have declined right then" I sigh, "why didn't you?" He asks, "because, for the longest time I felt appreciated, I wasn't as seen as damage but I was seen a Tatiana Zelda not just a trophy wife" I sigh....

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