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Alexis POV
Reaching the school building, kids running around the area before squatting down to face my daughter, sadness in her eyes. "Look baby, I  know I always tell you this but it's just for a few hours" I say as guilt washed over me, "but mommy I hate it here" she says in sadness, "look, how about this. You hold on for a few more months and I will see if I can find you another school" I say, sadly nodding her head, "please smile" I say pleadingly,  giving me a tight smile, "good, now have a good day" I say kissing the side of her mouth, "I love you" I holler before rushing to the train station.
Looking down my watch I notice how late I am making me pick up my pace. Feeling a car driving towards me making me glance at the back of me, "give me a break" I hiss noticing the black Range Rover, driving by me the window rolls down. "Are you going to pretend you don't see me" the annoying voice says, "I don't have the time today" I say as the car slowly moved alongside me, "you late" he says, "yes boss, I know" I say sarcastically making him chuckle. This man looked to be the most feared amongst the group of men that seemed to surround the house, why is he so nice to me, "let me give you a ride" he says, "no, I don't think so" I say walking faster, "please, I will leave you alone if you let me" he says teasingly, chuckling, "okay I'm serious now, please get in, I'm not leaving till you do" he says making me stop in my tracks. Turning to face him with a scowl on my face, unable to ignore how handsome he looks in his white shirt and black tie, his dimples more visible as he exposed his unbelievably white straight teeth, his curly hair gelled back. A smile on his face as he reached over opening the door for me. Reluctantly stepping inside, shutting the door his cologne intoxicating. Fastening my seatbelt before he drove off, "you look beautiful" he says, looking over to him, "I'm in a maid's outfit" I sass making him chuckle, "I know" he says making me face straight ahead. The car ride filled with complete silence as I would notice the occasional glances he takes at me.

Tatiana POV
Sitting out in the garden, the maids placing breakfast in front of me as I sat in silence. Alex walking in front of me before taking a seat. Sitting in silence, he grabs my glass pouring the fruit juice before placing it in front of me. I had completely lost my appetites and have been silent since last night. "Gattina"he calls out gently making me look away, reaching out to touch my arm I flinch in panic making him sigh, "Gattina you have to talk to me" he says as my lips quivered, moving closer. "D...did he hurt you?" He questions, my eyes brimming with tears, "Gattina you have to tell me" he pleads, "y-" before he can finish his sentence I break into a sob covering my face. Feeling his large figure pulling me in for a hug, sobbing in his chest as he tightly held onto me, "he was one of them" I whisper between sobs as he held onto me, "shhhh" he coos.........

Third person POV
Alex making his way inside the dull room, there sat the man that violated his wife chained to the chair. His eyes making contact with Alex, "can you tell me why the fuck I'm here" he spits, Alex staring at him in silence, "you can forget those plans, you not getting them" the man warns as he struggled in his seat. Alex dangerously calm and silent, the man looking up at him in confusion. His eyes widening at the sight of the black elastic gloves on Alexander's hands. "You know Javier I tried to do some thinking on what I should do to you" Alex says calmly making the man furrow his eyebrows, "oh don't act confused or I will lose it" Alex warns calmly. Looking over to his men, motioning with his head over to the man. The men rushing over to a frantic Javier, cutting up the front of his pants, "what are you doing" he says frantically moving from his chair, the men cutting up the underwear exposing his genitals. "Alessandro what the fuck" he says in a panic as Alex paced the room with a screw driver in his hand, "do you want to know why as young as i was I survived in prison?" Alex questions calmly, the man gulping loudly as fear rushed over him. "Because I had a signature way of dealing with men who fucked with me" he says calmly, "but now here's the problem Javier, you didn't fuck with me this time no" he says stalking over to the man, grabbing him by his collar, "YOU FUCKED WITH MY WIFE" he says piercing the screwdriver through the man's testicles as a scream of agony erupted from the man, leaning down he cried out, Alex roughy yanking out the blood covered metal, "you went for my defenseless wife because you didn't have the balls to face me" Alex spits piercing the screwdriver in the man's testicles again as cries of agony filled the room, the man's body shivering in pure agony as Alex looked up at him in disgust, "I..I swear I didn't touch her" the man cries, "shhhhh" Alex says sadistically, blood running down the floor, yanking it out as the man's breathing hitched, before he can process what's happening Alex stabs his testicles in a rage, continuously piercing them with the screwdriver as no sound now seemed to leave his mouth, breathing heavily in agony. Alex flipping the chair making his back hit the floor, "I...I didn't know" he pleads gasping for air. Danté walking in the room with grey large Pitbulls on each hand as the sound of their barks filled the room, looking over to Alex, giving him a brief nod he unleashed the dogs as they ran to the bloody area, roughly sinking their teeth into the man's genitals as Alex looked down at the screaming man in disgust. Making his way out the room, discarding of the gloves he makes his way to his office.

Walking in the room there sat an agitated Henry. "I went to the house and they wouldn't let me in to see my daughter" he spits, "because I said they shouldn't" Alex says calmly making his way to his chair making him furrow his brows. Plopping down the chair, "Tatiana is still trying to recover, I doubt she will be thrilled to see her dad who woke up from the dead" he says coldly, "let her decide-" "no I'm going to do what's best for her now" Alex says sternly as the man grew angrier, "I have work to do, excuse me" Alex says dismissing him.....

Tatiana POV
Feeling down and paranoid, I decided to cook dinner for my family. "Do you need help with anything Amor" Elizabeth asks, looking over to her as I chopped the final bits of the spinach, "no, I'm done, will you please just check the table for me" I smile tightly. Tossing the salad I grab the bowls of food. Placing each on the dining table my brows furrow at the sound of arguing and screaming. Rushing over to the study room my eyes widen at the sight of Rosalina standing next to a panicking Alex holding a distressed Alejandro as she yelled at the twins, their eyes wide in panic, rushing over to them, "what's going on?" I question looking down at the toddler as he gagged and coughed, "he's choking on a ball one of your kids left recklessly" she says in panic as she tried to hold him up, trying to grab him from her, "don't touch my baby, Alex we need to get to the hospital-" "I'm a doctor by the time you get there he will be dead" I say trying to grab the struggling toddler from her, "don't touch my bab-" "Rosalina give her the baby" Alex yells as I looked down in panic at the toddler turning blue, quickly grabbing him from her. Turning him over down his stomach, doing firm yet gently compressions, "do you even know what you doing, do you even remember" she says In panic, " calm down you scaring him" I hiss continuing with the compressions, gagging loudly as I continued pushing down hearing a cough the small ball drops to the floor before loud screams of crying filled the room, relief washing over me as she grabbed him from him. "You almost killed my child you psychopath!" She yells at quiet Luca, "WATCH IT!" I yell rushing between them, "or what!" She taunts, "STOP IT!" Alex yells, sighing out, "kids give us some privacy please" he says as the twins rushed out the room. Standing in front of me, "your child nearly killed my son an-" "my son had his toys around his HOME I-" "you tend to forget that this is Alejandro's home too, now I understand why you don't have kids of your own you forget he's the only one of the kids that actually belongs he-" "ENOUGH!" Alex yells making her go silent. Standing next to me, "Rosalina you do not ever speak to my wife like that" he says warningly, "I understand it was reckless of Luca to leave toys around when there's a baby but he's just as my son as much Alejandro is let's not forget that!" He grits. Shaking her head before sending me a glare leaving the room making me sigh out, before he can say anything I rush out the room....

Making my way to Luca's room, opening the door there sat the two of them on the bed as Laura hugged her brother as a form of comfort making my heart melt, "hey babies" I whisper making my way to the bed, Laura looking over to me with tears in her eyes. Plopping down the bed as Luca's back faced me, "baby" I say gently rubbing his back, gently trying to grab him to face me, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yells making my eyes widen, turning to face me. His cheeks stained with tears, "I'M TIRED OF EVERYONE" he cries, "ba-" "STOP LYING NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME!" He cries making my brows furrow at his words, "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He cries getting up from the bed, quickly grabbing his hands, "who said that" I question calmly, "YOU GOT HURT BECAUSE OF ME! ALEJANDRO GOT HURT BECAUSE OF ME!" He sobs making me pull him in for a hug as he continued trying to fight me off, "don't you ever say that" I say sternly getting him on the bed as he sobbed on my chest. Looking over to Laura staring down the floor in sadness, "baby" I call out making her look up at me in sadness, opening my one arm to her, slowly making her way  towards me. Getting on the bed before laying her head on the other side of my neck. Tightly holding onto the two, "both of you listen to me, and listen to me well" I say calmly. "No matter what happens, I love you two very much, more than myself" I say sincerely, "I would suffer in any and every way for you two because that's what a mother is suppose to do, do you hear me" I say looking down at them. Looking over to Luca, "what happened when we were at that place is not because of you but because that man was evil" I say, "I know you love your brother and would never purposely hurt him, your father knows that too okay" I say cooingly as he nod his head. Placing a kiss on their foreheads, "I love you" I whisper, "love you too" they say in unison making me smile. "Then let's wipe those tears and go eat dinner that I spent time cooking" I tease making them laugh....

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