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Tatiana POV
~3 weeks later

Parking in front of the unique house groaning out as I made my way out the car

 Grabbing my hand in his, "come on Gattina we just taking a look" he says leading me to the door

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Grabbing my hand in his, "come on Gattina we just taking a look" he says leading me to the door. Grabbing onto his arm, "Alex, this will be your what now, 6th house IN Italy" I say with emphasis as he unlocked the door, "9th" he corrects making me roll my eyes. Entering the warm house with unique interior, "Alex what's this one for" I argue, "Gattina , look around you" he says, "this is vintage interior with an earthy appearance at its finest with a touch of modesty" he says making me raise my brow, "what are we going to do with this one" I huff, pulling me closer to him, "it's good investment" he smirks, "and who knows, maybe once the kids have left us in peace for college, this will be our retirement home" he smirks, "just like the other 8" I tease making him chuckle, capturing my lips in a kiss, kissing him back, "maybe we should test out the bedroom" he says against my lips making me pull away, "you bought it already didn't you" I raise my brow, giving me a playful pout, "Alex" I sigh pulling away from him, gently grabbing me back onto him, "Gattina" he says kissing my lips, deepening the kiss, "I need to have my wife" he murmurs as his hands gently stroke my back, swiftly wrapping my legs around his waist making him smirk into the kiss as he walked up the stairs, "we still going to talk about this once we done" I moan
End of flashback

"Mommy" Luca calls out breaking my thoughts as I stared at the foyer I remember so vividly, sadness filling me as I blink the tears away, looking over to him noticing the men still standing with the bags in their hands, "oh I'm sorry, let me show you your bedrooms" I sigh walking up the stairs.
It's been three full weeks, the Gonzalez are all officially dead. I decided to move the kids and I to one of our houses I'm more familiar with, but he was still not up. Seeing him everyday, some days I would even find myself in my bed the next morning because I would refuse to leave his side until I fell asleep then Danté takes me home I guess. Sadness filled the twins. I hated the thought of my husband being a vegetable, guilt washed over me at the pain I was putting him through. I contemplated on pulling the plug on so many occasions but the pain my kids would feel, the pain I would feel, as selfish as it sounds I couldn't bare it. Burying Elizabeth without him making it harder, that night I cried uncontrollably because I had lost a mother that I never had.

~later on

Getting to the hospital room. There he lay with the tubes still, finding the nurse, "ciao" (hi) I greet politely as she gives me a polite smile, taking a seat besides him, "have there been any improvements?" I ask, sadly shaking her head making me nod. The same question I asked with slight hope on each day.
Leaving the room I gently take his hand in mine.
Placing my usual kiss on it.
Tears blurring my eyes, "you know I never thought I could ever see this day" I say in disbelief, "throughout our entire relationship you have always been the one to take care of me" I whisper, "you have always been the strong one for our family, for US" I say as my lips quiver. "Baby I don't think I can live through more days without you" I cry, "I cannot take seeing you like this my love" I say looking up at him, "you need to fight, please baby I need you to fight" I plead, "I would give everything to swap places because I don't have the strength Alex" I sob, "I love our kids but I'm at a point where I can't even hide it from them anymore Alex it's tearing them apart", "it's tearing me apart" I finish crying onto his hand....

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