Chapter 32: Coulda' put Zayn on it, but I put your name on it

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14th August 2017

"We've ran our way through these songs.." Harry said as we was sat eating pizza in the studio.

I nodded and grabbed my Dr Pepper "how many songs have we wrote since yesterday, and recorded??" I asked

"Four" he laughed softly.

I grinned "we're on a fucking roll"

He laughed at me and agreed with me.
Last night when I went to bed, I had a little think when I got off of the phone to Niall. Will I sound stupid singing heartbreak songs from what happened two years ago??

Then I thought, no, it's not fucking stupid. If I was hurt. Then I was hurt. That's all there is to it. And if I wanna sing about it. I fucking will.

"I'm talking to you!!" Harry said loudly and threw a chip at me.
"Harry!!!" I scolded and threw it back at him. He laughed like a little boy "I was shouting for you for at least 5 minutes and you never battered an eyelid at me!" He stressed with a grin.

"What, what did you need??" I asked him and bit into my donner meat pizza.

"So attractive," Harry mumbled as some tomato from the pizza base slipped from my mouth onto my chin.

"I'm a Tomlinson.." I commented "of course I'm fucking attractive" I rolled my eyes. He laughed shaking his head.

"What's going on with you and Niall??" Harry asked me, u looked up at him. When I saw his serious face, I placed my pizza down in the box and cleared my throat.

"What do you mean??" I ask.
Is he onto me??? Oh fuck.

"I know you've fucked" Harry said in a monotone manner.

Fuck, he's onto me.

I laughed and made a face "what makes you think that??" I ask.

Harry shrugged "I see it in his eyes.. he liked everything you post on Instagram and Twitter.. he likes and comments on your every Facebook post.. it's obvious.. and he's practically living at your apartment in London" Harry looked into my eyes.

I smirked and leant forward to grab my Dr Pepper "are you jealous??"
He laughed and raised his eyebrows "of what part??"
I shrugged to tease him even more "I see why they call you and Louis, Tommo the tease"

I winked at him playfully, and pretend to cheers him with my Dr Pepper "you've got that right, baby"

"Tell me," Harry begged "you and Nialler? You're a thing, aren't you?"

I shrugged "we fuck" I said deciding on telling Harry. He can keep a secret. He won't say anything.
"For how long??" He widened his eyes and raised his brows.
I shrugged and thought back to the first time Niall and I had sex "a bit after mum died" I commented, swallowing the thick lump in my neck.

Harry breathed "please don't tell me you used him," he looked into my eyes.
I laughed and slouched my shoulders back "I needed a distraction, and he wanted to.. that isn't my fault" I said looking back at him.

"Don't do this to him, Anna, he fucking loves you!" Harry snapped almost.. I sighed and looked at his annoyed facial features "how would you know?"
"He always has, you tit.." Harry said and grabbed his water.
I rolled my eyes "not this again," I groaned, mum did this to me too. She told me Niall has always liked me.

"I'm being serious. Everyone saw it. Except you." Harry said bluntly. Harry pleaded with me, with his green eyes, "please Anna, I'm begging you, don't hurt him, he really loves you, don't hurt him" he repeated.
I rolled my eyes "what makes you think I'll do the hurting?? He's Niall fucking Horan, he can have anyone"

Bedroom Floor (Harry Styles)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum