Chapter 9

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21st January 2017

"Happy birthday handsome" I coo at my little nephew who is now one year old.
He opened his arms at me and toddled towards me making me smile "ohh hello big boy" I pick him up and smother his face in kisses while he squeals excitedly making Louis, Briana and I laugh. Briana's is Freddie's mother.

"Come on then, let's open presents now I'm here" I coo softly. I was sleeping at Niall's apartment over here in America and he drove me down here to Briana's place.
He let out an excitable screams and ran to his pile of presents. I laughed and Niall came and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around the back of the sofa, behind me.
He leant in closer to me so I looked at him "you okay?" He asked softly making me laugh, I nodded "of course I am, I'm with my little nephew and my big brother.. it couldn't get better" I said proudly. I'm such a family person.

He raised his brow at me "you too, it's good being here with you too" I smiled at him making him smile like an idiot.
He leant forward and kissed my lips softly, he pulled away and opened his eyes slowly, they flickered open. He looked at me like he was in love.
I smiled back at him and looked at Louis walking in with a tray of cups of teas for us all while we watch Freddie open his presents.

"Hey, bud.. that one is off uncle Niall" Louis said to Freddie but pointed at Niall. Niall smiled widely, he loved the idea of children, he really adores him.

Freddie rips open the paper with help from Briana. "What is it??" She said excitedly to him, I got my phone out and videoed Freddie to put it on my insta story.

When Freddie fully opened the present it was a Lamborghini that he could sit in and drive around and was electric "yayyy brum brum!!!" Freddie squeals making everyone laugh.

"Niiice," Louis laughed "Go say thank you to Uncle Niall" Louis pointed to Niall who was seated next to me sat with his legs crossed, in a manly way though.
Freddie got up and made his way to Niall, I made sure to video them both hugging and Freddie saying thank you. Niall kissed his cheek and said it wasn't a problem.. and that Freddie is his "favourite little boy" and that they was "best friends"

I ended the video with me, Louis and Briana awwing ya the end of it. I uploaded it to my insta story and captioned it 'Niall is definitely little Freddie's favourite'

I uploaded it, and a few minutes later I checked to see how many people watched my insta story.. and it was 2 million already. I laughed softly. That's crazy.
I then noticed liam has seen it. I didn't even know he followed me??

I went on my followers and typed his name in.. he didn't follow me. I didn't follow him either.
Does that mean he types my name in regularly to see what I've been up to??

I came off of Instagram only to receive a message. I clicked on Instagram and went on my dm page to see I have a message from Liam.
He replied to my story of Niall and Freddie.

Liam Payne: does little Fred like my presents? xx

Me: he hasn't opened anything yet except Niall's present

Liam Payne: make sure you video him then for me and send me it.. mine is in the big box with shiny green wrapping paper x

Me: yeah sure I'll record it and send you it.

Soon enough Freddie finished opening all his presents. This little lad must of had a fortune spent on him!!

Liams present was the last one.
I videoed him opening it and I sent it to Liam.

Freddie was out in the garden with Niall and Louis playing football while I was in the kitchen having a drink with Briana.

"Louis told me you have a song coming out next month with Ty Dolla $ign and Jason Derulo!" Briana said happily. She loves Ty and Jason.
I nodded proudly "I do!!" I then made a face sipping on my ice cold lemonade "but I'm kind of scared!" I added making Briana frown "why would you be scared. This isn't the first song you've ever released, you did one with the girls" she said softly, talking about the song little mix and I released last year.

Sighing, I nodded "I know, but my rap in this song is so sexual. I'm dressed in a provocative way. Stuff like that scares me. I don't want Louis hearing or seeing that"

Briana shrugged "he has to understand that sex sells" she stated "let's be real, if Louis had a pair of tits he'd be admired by so many men in the world.. but because he has a dick, can sing, and was in the biggest boyband, he has females dropping at his feet." She raised her brow at me and smirked "what's the difference?"

She was right, I took a sip of my drink and leant against the kitchen counter "that is true, I guess"

"I also, kind of fired back at Gigi in the rap, it's pretty clear who it's about too. That's if you know about the beef"

Briana laughed and made a face at me, "who doesn't know about the Hadid and Tomlinson war that's broken out"

I rolled my eyes "I can't ducking stand that bitch.. she's jealous that I got some modelling jobs before her, and she's just claiming that I stole them from her. I didn't! They was offered to me and I took them. Not my fault she was sat there sitting on million of dollars worth of deals and thought she was too good for any of them!!" I ranted then frowned placing my glass down on the counter top, I looked back at Briana then rolled my eyes "and I don't want her fucking man, if I wanted him I could of had him. He was my best friend for 5 years and she doesn't like the idea of any females that have known him longer than she has, around him. She seems a right control freak" I claimed making Briana laugh at my outburst.

"So who is your man??" She raised a brow at me.

I laughed softly shaking my head, and grabbed my lemonade again "I don't have a man"
She raised a playful, questioning brow at me "is that right?? Because you and Niall have been getting cosy lately, you stayed at his last night and wasn't afraid to show off on Instagram..." she raised her brow.

I laughed. "What do you mean?" I licked my lips, tasting lemonade on them,

"That cute picture you and Niall got in front of the mirror in your lazy lounge wear.. both in grey joggers, Niall in a white t-shirt and you in a hoodie.. with his arms wrapped around your waist— you both looked like a couple. It was really cute!!" She exclaimed making me laugh, I pulled a face at her comment.

"When Louis saw it he wasn't too pleased, but I told him he has to stop trying to protect you. I told him Niall is a nice boy and he clearly knows that. Niall is 100% better looking and 1000times nicer than what Liam is!"

I laughed out loud.. mainly because it was true.

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