Chapter 19: Where Do Broken Hearts Go / No Control

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4th June 2017

We place our microphone stands on the centre of catwalk.. well on the box at the end of the catwalk.
It goes Liam, Harry, me, Louis and Niall.
But we're almost in a half circle so I can see Niall's and Liam's faces clearly.. we aren't stood in a straight line.

"You guys look amazing," Liam said to the crowd and they all screamed.
I fixed my ear piece and moved closer to the microphone stand.
"Would you like to introduce this, love??" Louis looked at me. I smiled and nodded "you guys should all know this one.... this is where do broken hearts go.." I introduce fixing my ear piece again. It's not working properly. I can't hear the playback.

"Counted all my mistakes and there's only one
Standing out from the list of the things I've done
All the rest of my crimes don't come close
To the look on your face when I let you go
So I built you a house from a broken home
And I wrote you a song with the words you spoke
Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out
How to fix up a heart that I let down" Niall sung and the crowd went crazy.

I then lent forward tilting the microphone stand forward between my legs so I could sing bending my back

"Now I'm searching every lonely place.. sing it Manchester!" I called out to the crowd and carried on singing
"Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?"

Liam took his microphone off of the stand and walked in front of us all.
"Yeah, get a taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue
Is at the top of the list of the things I want
Mind is running in circles of you and me
Anyone in between is the enemy"

Harry sung with passion "Shadows come with the pain that you're running from
Love was something you've never heard enough
Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out..."
"How to fix up a heart that I let down!" We all sing.

I grab my microphone and bring it closer to my lips as I fix my stupid fucking ear piece "Now I'm searching every lonely place
Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?" I sing pulling a face so I can hit the notes perfectly.

Harry then joins in with me, Harry and Zayn sing this exact part together on the track "Are you sleeping, baby by yourself?
Or are you giving it to someone else?
Try to find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?" He over powers my voice which is how it's supposed to be.

Harry sings his part "Tell me now, tell me now,
Tell me where you go when you feel afraid?
Tell me now, tell me now,
Tell me will you ever love me again, love me again?" He smirks while looking at me.

"Now I'm searching every lonely place
Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't kNOOWW" I sing then the boys join in with me and the crowd sing loudly too! "Where do broken hearts go!?"

"Are you sleeping, baby, by yourself?
Or are you giving it to someone else?
Try to find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?" Harry over powers the chorus. While Louis sings the 'where do broken hearts go' making the crowd go wild.
"Tell me where you're hiding out
Where do broken hearts go?" Louis carried on.

"Come on, baby, 'cause I need you now" Harry sings. I nod my head to the beat and obviously fix my ear piece as I can't really hear the music properly.
Louis carries on singing making the crowd go crazy "Where do broken hearts go?
Tell me, 'cause I'm ten feet down
Where do broken hearts go?"

"Come on, baby, come and get me out" Louis sings then looks at me, I think he can see I'm having trouble hearing the music, he nods to me telling me I have to do my bit.. well Zayn's bit "Come on, baby, come and get me out" I sing and he smiles at me letting me know I did good.
Harry then jumped in singing his part "Come on, baby, 'cause I need you now"

"Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?" We all sing together and Harry fists bumps the air bellow him illustrating the last beat of the song.

"Now.. this next song. I wrote. Which I'm very pleased about.. but I also wrote it with one of my three best friends.. and that was with Payno" Louis introduced and the crowd went wild.
"Aw bro!" Liam said cooing, making the crowd go crazy. I laughed softly as we all moved the microphone stands out the way dropping them carefully over the stage while some crew members grabbed them and placed them on the floor of the pitch surrounding the catwalk box.

"This is.. No Control." Louis and Liam introduced.

"BaOhoh" Louis said making me laugh as we all separate on stage to focus our attention in different parts of the crowd.

"Stained coffee cup
Just a fingerprint of lipstick's not enough" Niall sings to some red headed girl and she near enough fainted.
"Sleep, where you lay
Still a trace of innocence on the pillow case" Harry sung fixing his ear piece.. is he having problems too??

Louis obviously sung the chorus making the crowd go wild.. Manchester clearly loves my big brother. I smile at the appreciation he is receiving as he sung the chorus. "Waking up
Beside you, I'm my loaded gun
I can't contain this anymore
I'm all yours, I've got no control
No control
And I don't care, it's obvious
I just can't get enough of you
The pedal's down, my eyes are closed
No control"

"taste on my tongue
I don't want to wash away the night before" Liam sings pointing to Niall's tongue as he sillily stuck it out.
I quickly jogged last Harry as he sang his part, he watched my every move and followed me with his eyes
"And the heat where you laid
I could stay right here and burn in it all day"
I ran to the sound people off the stage, so I was off the stage while Louis was singing the chorus.

"You gotta be quick.. I can't hear the music.. and I think the boys can't either" I said to James, the sound dude. He nodded frantically and tried fixing.

Just before Louis finished the chorus Liam commented loudly through the microphone "oooff we've lost her.."
I jogged back out on stage after I could hear the music a bit better.. "Lost my senses
I'm defenseless
Her perfUME'S holding me ransom" I sing walking along the stage heading for the catwalk, I wave at fans and smile as I sing
"Sweet and sour
I devour
LYING HERE I COUNT THE HOURRRRSSSSS!!" I sing hitting Zayn's high note perfectly making the crowd cheer for me as I walked onto the box at the end of the cat walk where Harry was hopping around on stage, dancing. Having the time of his life.

Louis sings the chorus.. with no music, as this lady doesn't haven't music.
The boys and I sing quietly joining in with the second part of the chorus and jump up and down on the stage with the fans having a party.

Harry and I laugh as he wraps his arm around me and kisses his hand and beckons his hand out to the fans. He does that another two time's and we grab our microphone stands again.
Funnily enough. We have a set list cello-taped to the floor on the box stage at the end of the catwalk so we can see what's up next before the music starts so we can prepare ourselves.
I grabbed a water from the box and opened it, I chugged some and passed the bottle to Harry. He took a swing or two from the same bottle and swallowed it. The fans went crazy over this and was even recording mine and Harry's perfectly normal interaction.

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