Chapter 25: Midnight Memories / moments

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4th June 2017

Me and Niall transferred back to our head microphones as we needed the electric guitars.

"You're doing so well," Niall commented as the rest of the boys was entertaining the crowd.
"I've cried so many times," I laughed shaking my head as I fixed the head microphone around my ear "I arent doing well"

"It's fine to be upset, it's totally okay!" He reassured me and rubbed my arm.
I smiled at him "you're doing great too"

He nodded "feels good to be back at it with the lads"

I raised a brow at him, he laughed.

"You too, of course"

"You ready for this?? You don't have to do the guitar too, you're leading the chorus.. taking over Zayn's part. That's a pretty big moment for you" he claimed.
I shook my head "I'll be fine, I'm good at multitasking"

"I'll back you up, don't worry"

"That won't be ok the vocals though, will it??" I teased as I finished sorting my head microphone out. I didn't turn it on yet though
"Alright bloody hell," Niall said "we all know Zayn was better at me"

I scoffed "who says that??" I said

He shrugged "it was obvious, he has the voice of an angel" Niall claimed. I nodded agreeing with him "yeah he does," I say walking closer to Niall and helping him with his head microphone "but, so do you, you and Zayn just have two totally different talents" I said and moved away from him as I finished sorting his head microphone out.
He thanked me:

As I picked the black and red electric guitar up I decided on asking the question I've been dying to know "do you think he's watching??" I asked, mumbling, but obviously loud enough for him to hear.

Niall looked at me as he grabbed his black and red electric guitar too, "you mean Zayn??" He questioned. I replied with a simple nod as I put on the guitar.

"He might be, and if he is. He'd be so fucking proud of you" Niall said in amazement "your vocals are on point tonight, Stasia" Niall complimented me making me blush "thank you, yours too"

He chuckled, he then sighed contently and looked at me "you ready to hit the strings on one of our favourite songs to perform??" Niall smirked.

"Niall??! You ready bro?!" Louis shouted over from the box stage at the end of the catwalk. Niall and I was up on the main stage near the live band.

Niall reached up to his head microphone and turned it on "yeah bro, we're coming" he said and everyone screamed. I looked out to the crowd, it looks fucking amazing.

"I'm ready," I breathed happily.
This is mine and Niall's song, we love performing this together!

We turned around fully and walked closer to the stairs on the main stage but then we stopped fading the crowd.
I looked to the lighting crew and nodded. They lowered and dimmed the lights making it a red effect.

I made eye contact with Harry and nodded. He nodded back as he got ready to sing his part.

I reached up and turned my head microphone on too. When I heard a beep I sighed making sure the microphone was actually working.
It was. You could just about hear my sigh.

The lights got crazier as I reached down to my electric guitar getting ready to strumthe guitar three consecutive times. It's the three beats you hear in the original track.. the beats that Harry goes 'one two three' with.
I saw Harry reach behind him and turn up his microphone. That's when I knew we was all set to go.

Bedroom Floor (Harry Styles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt