Chapter 100: louis' birthday drama

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24th December 2018

i posted a cute picture of louis and i on instagram and captioned it "happiest 27th birthday to possibly the best brother in the entire world. i'm so grateful for you— you make my life ten times better even when you piss me off but i wouldn't have it ANY other way! there are many misconceptions about you.. but that's because they don't know the real you. i know the real you, and i love you. from your first ever sissy (and your fave) Stassie xxxx'

i sighed it off as Stassie because when we was kids that's what he called me and i know it'll make him smile reading that.

"louis has just pulled up babe." harry popped his head in his bedroom, i was at his home "okay" i smiled at him grabbing my over night bag.
i walked to the door way of harrys bedroom while he was perched up against the door frame smiling slowly "you're so beautiful," he commented, i grinned at him and put my hands on his chest "i'm going to miss you." he wrapped his arms around my waist "i'll miss you too, we see each other tomorrow though." i smiled softly up at him
"i wanna wake up with you on christmas though." he pouted like a child making me giggle

"can you two keep it PG?? and hurry up" we heard a voice behind harry.
"louuuuu" i cheered moving past harry and jog down the stairs jumping in louis' arms.
"and how did you get in??" harry joked walking down the stairs "i have my ways, Styles" louis teased as i pulled back from the hug "happy birthday lou," i smiled up at him and he smiled back wrapping his arm around my shoulder. he kissed my nose and smiled "thank you, love. i saw your birthday post for me. that was sweet." he commented. i smirked and shrugged nonchalantly "wellll what can i say." i grinned making harry and louis laugh.

"happy birthday, mate." harry said cheerfully and pulled louis into a bro hug.
"thank you, hazza" louis rubbed harrys back "okay hurry up i wanna see the family." i rolled my eyes slapping louis' arm. he scoffed and pulled back from the hug "feisty one," he chuckled

"take care of her." harry told louis, nodding to me slightly.
louis laughed and nodded "as always"
harry smiled and nodded as he handed me my over night bag "i love you" he kissed my lips as louis opened the front door "i'll wait in the car.." louis told me, taking my bag from me and taking it to the car, i nodded and thanked him. he then turned to harry "have a nice christmas mate. say hello to the family for me." he smiled at harry and walked off to his range rover "i will; thanks." harry called out then snaked his arm around my waist "i can't wait for tomorrow night baby." he smiled brightly "i miss you already and you haven't left."

"you're exaggerating now." i chucked stroking his jawline "never." he grinned and leans down kissing my lips "i love you" he mumbled
"i love you too" i kissed his lips one last time and jogged to Louis' range rover. i waved at harry as i got in the car. he waved at me and smiled holding onto his door.

"you ready??" louis asked me.

"i'm ready." i smiled at him. we both waved to harry as we left harrys front yard and left through the gate.

"home sweet home" i smiled flopping onto the sofa in my doncaster home.
"we missed you!" phoebe sits next to me hugging me "i missed you all too!"
"so.. these lyrics you've been teasing on your insta posts, when can we hear the songs??" lottie comes in with a cup of tea for louis and i. we thanked her and i smirked as i sipped on my tea "i can play you them later on if you want??"

everyone chorused and cheered which meant they did want me to play it. Félicité walked in with living room bags and everyone cheered "go on lou, open your presents" Lottie smiled sitting down on the arm of the chair beside me.
"Fiz.. you're looking really skinny. are you eating properly??" i asked loudly. she looked at me then glanced around at everyone, her eyes lingered on Louis and Lottie. she smiled and nodded back at me "yeah of course i am, i've been working out?? maybe that's why?" she suggested.
i don't believe that for a second. but i'll let it go for today. i smiled at her "yeah maybe" i lied.

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