Chapter 17: Ready To Run / Best Song Ever

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4th June 2017

The music to Ready To Run began and I walked around the stage waving to fans as I sung "There's a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
Then there's me inside a sinking boat, running out of time
Without you I'll never make it out alive
But I know, yes I know we'll be alright
There's a devil in your smile that's chasing me
And every time I turn around it's only gaining speed
There's a moment when you finally realize
There's no way you can change the rolling tide
But I know, yes I know that I'll be fine"

For some reason... the crowd went wild at the end of my liam solo... everyone was waving hysterically making me frown. What??!

The four quick beats from drum begun and I started singing the chorus.. but it wasn't just my voice. Fireworks was going off, I turned and saw Harry coming my way singing the chorus.. Liam and Louis was behind him jogging down the stage waving at all the hysterical fans.


"I'm ready to run... I'm ready to run.." Harry sung the end of his chorus and he laughed bringing me into a hug
"You look amazing" he said in my ear as Niall and Louis sung their solo.
I thanked him and joined in with the solo as the crowd went crazy.

"This time I'm ready to run
Escape from the city and follow the sun
'Cause I wanna be yours
'Cause you wanna be mine
I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night
This time I'm ready to run
Wherever you are is the place I belong
'Cause I wanna be free
And I wanna be young
I'll never look back now I'm ready to run"

I took a breather before starting Zayn's part which included two lengthy runs...
"This time I'm ready to ruuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhnnnnnnn
I'll give everything that I got for your looooooooooovvevvveeeeee" I sing loudly making the crowd go wild and Harry then sung "This time I'm ready to run
Eschhhhape—" he laughed making his last word sound like he was out of breath, yet he was laughing at me for being out of breath.
"from the city and follow the sun" he finished and the boys and I sung the chorus.

"This time I'm reaaaadyyy to ruuuuuhhhhuuuuunnnnn" I sing over the boys
"Now I'm reeeeeeaaaaaasadddddddyyyyyyyy" the boys and I sing them I conclude the song by singing "toouuoooo ruuuunnnn"

The crowd went crazy... I laughed from shock as the boys pulled me in for a hug.
"You said you couldn't be here!" I said with an exhausted laugh, making Louis, Liam and Harry laugh "we lied!" Harry shrugged and the boys laughed "we needed to support you as best we could.. this is the only way we knew how to. We knew your confidence comes from us being on stage with you... you're like, apart of the band and have been since what?? 2013/14 when you used to regularly come up on stage?" Louis said and we heard the crowd chanting 'One Direction' behind us.

"Let's get back to it" Liam said excitedly.

The boys and I separated from our hug and found our own territory on stage.

"You look beautiful!" Harry announced pointing to them with his hand making the crowd go mental.

Louis came over to me and wrapped his arm around me "I'm so sorry," he said in my ear "I love you" he said softly.
I smiled and hugged him tight "you're forgiven, I love you too. This was the best surprise for me and the fans. Thank you."

"We're one direction.. and here at one direction, we love, love." Harry confessed and the crowd cheered.

"What happened two weeks ago was devastating, all those lives that were lost.. all those people injured, and yet, Manchester just keeps on fighting!" Harry breathed. He sounded knackered already.

"This is a huge surprise to us, I know since we went on Hiatus everyone has been asking to get us back and we've been so busy. But this was a must.. we had to come back and celebrate how strong Manchester is.. as this is one of our favourite places to perform! You're all so beautiful!" Harry cheered making the crowd laugh "we've missed being together, we've missed sharing the stage with Louis' lovely sister.. so we decided on just not only surprising you!" He pointed to the crowd "but surprising Anna too!!" Harry smiled and the crowd cheered.

"It was good!" I clapped along with the crowd and the boys laughed.

No Zayn. Again.
I'm fucking gutted. Maybe he has a good reason?? I need to stop making excuses for him.

"Are you guys ready??" Niall asked the crowd and they all screamed.

"Hey Niall..." Liam said and walked up to Niall, perching himself up on Niall's shoulder.. "In your opinion.. what is the best song ever??" Liam asked and that's when the music to best song ever started to play making the crowd go wild.

Harry spat his water out like a whale and everyone screamed

"Maybe it's the way she walked" I walked past him sassily and he chased me as he sung
"Straight into my heart and stole it
Through the doors and past the guards (wow)
Just like she already owned it"

"I said, "can you give it back to me?"
She said, "never in your wildest dreams"" we all stopped moving and the crowd went wild as we danced up and down singing the chorus.

"And we danced all night to the best song ever
We knew every line, now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes (ooh)"

Liam walked past us and sung to the crowd of girls near Louis "Said her name was Georgia Rose (wow)
And her daddy was a dentist"

"Said I had a dirty mouth (I got a dirty mouth)
But she kissed me like she meant it" Harry sung happily.

Niall joined me on my corner of the stage handing me a electric guitar and my eyes lit up.
I pulled my head set forward allowing the stick microphone connected to the headset perch itself in front of my mouth.
I threw my hand held microphone down at one of the guards next to the stage and he held it for me.

"I said, "can I take you home with me?"
She said, "never in your wildest dreams"" Niall sung and we both faced each other smirking. Just like old times.

"And we danced—" we sung and Niall and I hit the cord together on the electric guitars together making the crowd squeal with excitement.
"all night to the best song ever
We knew every line, now I can't remember"
"How it goes but I know that," I sung louder than the boys doing Zayn's adlibs.
"I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever"

I left Niall and made my way to louis as he prepared to sing his solo.
He faced me and smiled softly "You know, I know, you know I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I know you'll remember me" he sung to me pulling a face making me laugh as I started Zayn's bit.
"And you know, I know, you know I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I hope you'll remember
How we danced, how we danced" I sung to louis making the crowd go wild
"(one, two, one, two, three)" Harry screamed at the crowed and he splashed water over anyone

"Howwwww weeeeeee DAAAANNNNCCCCCEEEEDDDDD" I sung loudly bending to the floor playing the electric guitar. The boys carried on singing the chorus.

"We knew every liiieeennnnneeee" I sung backing up the original chorus.

I took over the main chorus while Harry did his other notes.

"That I won't forget huuuueeerrrreerererrrrr" I sung smashing the electric guitar "listen," I laughed softly at the crowd as I saw one of the 5 cameras focus in on my face as I fell to the floor slowly doing Zayn's high note "to the BEST SONG EVEEEEERRRREEEEERRRRR YEEEAAAAUUUUHHHHHHHoooohhhh... best song ever" I sung softly "it was the best song ever.. it was the best song ever. It was the best song ever" I sang slowly and got up from my knees making the crowd scream with happiness.

Bedroom Floor (Harry Styles)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin