Chapter 27: Drag Me Down / Love You Goodbye

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4th June 2017

"Manchester.. you're one of the most beautiful cities I've ever visited.. and believe me I've come here a lot, when I used to tour with the boys." I stated walking around the stage, everyone screamed "you've always been so fucking welcoming," I shake my head as tears threatened to spill "and it hurts my fucking heart so bad that a kind hearted city like Manchester has been ripped apart by selfish SELFISH people.. who don't know right from wrong, and claim what they're doing is okay.." I stated and everyone clapped in acceptance of my speech.

"It hurts me to think that they get joy out of harming young children, and teenagers. Cause that's what it was..." I stated with a simple, knowing shrug "it was a attack targeted towards innocent souls, and it's so wrong..." I shake my head "this next song was actually created for the fans.. It was one direction's love letter to their fans.. how their fans was always there for them, when nobody else was, you always had those boys' back when people turned their back on them. And they appreciate every. single. One of you. So fucking much.. and this is their thank you!" I said to the crowd and they screamed. I turned to see the boys nodding agreeing with me "now, the song was also written for the boys' mothers.. as their moms was the only person, expect the fans.. who stuck with them through tough time's..." I said and everyone screamed.

"Now Manchester... the boys and I want to have your backs, as we love you so damn much" I shake my head at the love I felt for this place.

"So Manchester," I breathed blinking away the tears "I want you to scream this as loud as you can because I know... nobody can drag you down!" I smiled and backed up as the music to drag me down started.

"I've got fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby, you're a boat
Baby, you're my only reason" Harry sang softly.. Louis walked past him and started singing "If I didn't have you, there would be nothing left
The shell of a man that could never be his best
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun
You taught me how to be someone, yeah"

"Sing it out Manchester," Liam echoes then sung "All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down"

"Hey hey hey" I screamed and Niall took over, Liam backing him up "All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down"

"Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down" Louis, Harry and I sung.

"I got a fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby, you're a boat
Baby, you're my only reason"

I made eye contact with Harry and he smirked.

"If I didn't have you there would be nothing left (nothing left)
The shell of a man who could never be his best (be his best)
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun (see the sun)
You taught me how to be someone
Yeah" Harry and I sung loudly, we both had the biggest smiles on our faces.

"All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love nobody can drag me down" I sung with Niall, except I sung walking up to Louis our eyes connected and he smiled at me.

"Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me" Louis, Harry and I sung.

"Hold on," I shouted, the music stopped.

"Boys.. stay still..." I told the boys and they stood near each other frowning at me.
I smiled slowly as I looked over to the live band.. I nodded and they started up the song again.

With tears in my eyes, I walked up to my four favourite boys "All my life
You stood by me" I nodded at Louis and touched his shoulders, his eyes watered as 50,000 people screamed in excitement
I turned to the rest of the boys and sung for them
"When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down"

I wiped a tear as I sung the chorus again
"All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me DOOOWWWWNNN" I sung Harry's note perfectly, shouting the 'down' causing the boys to widen their eyes as they stood watching me.

"Nobody, nobody" the backing vocals sung
"Nobody can drag me dowwwwnnnnn, yeah" I sung Harry's high notes
The backing vocals came through again "Nobody, nobody"

"Nobody can drag me doooo-aaaaaaaaa down"

"Nobody can drag me dooooaaaaaaaa (down)

Nobody can drag me down." I sung ending the song.

I laughed at how shocked they was "OI OIIIIII" Louis screamed and the whole stadium screamed as the boys congratulated.

We walked to the main stage where our microphone stands was placed.
I got there first so I chose the third one in from the right.
The boys joined me at the microphone stands and chose their stands.
It went; Liam, Harry, me, Louis and then Niall.

Harry leant over and whispered in my ear saying I sung the first part of Liam's opening solo.
I nodded agreeing.

"It's inevitable everything that's good comes to an end
It's impossible to know if after this we can still be friends, yeah" I sung softly as tears brimmed my eyes.

I looked down at my feet knowing cameras was focusing in on each and every one of our faces and I didn't wanna be shown up on the big screens crying in front of 50,000 people.

"I know you're saying you don't wanna hurt me
Well, maybe you should show a little mercy
The way you look I know you didn't come to apologize" Liam sung softly.

"Hey, hey, hey"

"Oh, why you wearing that to walk out of my life?" Harry sung

"Hey, hey, hey"

"Oh, even though it's over you should stay toniggghhhtttt" Harry sung softly

"Hey, hey, hey"

"If tomorrow you won't be mine
Won't you give it to me one last time?" Harry looked to the side, glancing at me as he sung. I smiled softly and then sung

"Oh, baby, let me love you goodbye" I sung softly, yet loudly, my voice near enough breaking at the emotion I'm feeling.

"Unforgettable together, held the whole world in our hands
Unexplainable, a love that only we could understand, yeah" Niall sung and made eye contact with me, he wanted me to sing his next part.

"I know there's nothing I can do to change it
But is it something that can be negotiated?
My heart's already b-breaking, b-baby, go on, twist the kniiiifffeeeee, yeah" I sung my voice breaking as a tear slipped down my face

"Hey, hey, hey"

"Oh, why you wearing that to walk out of my life?" Harry and I sung together. He picked up his microphone stand and moved it closer to mine. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug

"Hey, hey, hey"

"Oh, even though it's over you should stay tonight" I grabbed my microphone stand and pulled it to my lips

"Hey, hey, hey"

"If tomorrow you won't be mine
Won't you give it to me one last tiiimmmeee?"

"Oh, baby, let me love you goodbye
Oh, baby, let me love you goodbye" all the boys sung.

"One more taste of your lips just to bring me back
To the places we've been and the nights we've had
Because if this is it then at least we could end it riiiiiiiiighghhhttttt!" I sung with Louis. I broke down and moved away from the microphone.

Harry sung the chorus, watching me, before I engulfed my head in my hands, I saw him tap Louis and then point to me.
I then felt arms around me.

As soon as the song ended I felt three other pairs of arms around me. I sniffled and all the crowd screamed and awed.

"Just a little emotional tonight guys," I heard Liam say as I cried into Louis chest.

Yeah over you!! You fucking twat.

Bedroom Floor (Harry Styles)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat