Chapter 43: Infinity

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9th November 2017

I flickered my eyes open slowly and heard sobs from a few people around me and around the room.

I opened my eyes, and my breath got stuck in my throat. All of the 1D boys... They was all in the middle of a group hug.
As they all pulled apart.. I saw someone who I'd never of thought I'd see again with the lads.. it was Zayn.

My eyes widened "Zayn??" I whispered. All their heads snapped towards me. Louis cried with happiness as he fell to the floor. Liam supporting him. Zayn rushed to my bedside and kissed my forehead "how are you? Do you need a doctor??" He asked quickly.

I smiled softly at him, as I looked up at him hovering over me "I'm good. And no, I don't want to see a doctor yet. I want to spend time with my five favourite boys" i grinned. My grin slowly faded as my eyes connected with Zayn's and they stayed connected. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I read his emotions through his eyes. He was tired and sad.
"You c-came??" I whispered looking up at his tanned face, with his perfect beard.

"As soon as I saw louis' post on Instagram," Zayn cut his eyes over to louis in a playful scolding manner, then looked back at me "I flew straight here, I needed to be here to support you" he said softly as he stroked my hair.

I turned to Niall and frowned, making him frown harder, "how did you get here? Both of you? You were both in America.. you can't of got a flight that quick... overnight..." I said, feeling confused. All the boys looked at each other and shared a confused but sad look.
I knew what they was about to tell me wouldn't be good.

"Babe," Niall started and came closer to my bed "you've in here since the 31st October... it's now the 9th November" he stated as he held my hand.

I frowned and glanced down at my lap. I've been in here 10 days?? I've been unresponsive for 10days?? Oh fuck.

I lifted my head to look at Harry "I haven't missed your performance on the XFactor have I??" I frowned at him. He laughed weakly and stepped forward "no you haven't," he kissed my cheek "and anyways, that's the least important thing in the world right now... you're more important than my poxy performance on the XFactor"

I scoffed and slapped him.

"You aren't doing your performance on the 2nd December.. you need to heal" Louis' deep voice radiated through my soul. I looked past Harry to get a look at my big brother "if I feel ready for it, I'm doing it. No one can stop me. And anyways, you're there performing your own song. So let me perform mine" I tell him. "Oh and Harry," I glanced at him and he smiled softly "I want to release my single on the 1st December, i'm gonna talk to my label about it" I told him.

"Really?! That's great!! I'm so excited" he grinned widely.
Louis stepper closer "hold on, my song is coming out on the first of December" he said frowning.
I grinned "I guess we're gonna have to be battling for number one then... I'll see you on top of the charts buddy"
I winked cheekily making him laugh.

"Come here you big twat" he grinned and stepped forward. The boys backed up and allowed Louis in so we could hug.

All the boys and I talk. Harry furrows his eyebrows at me and nods over at liam. I frown at Harry and mime "what??" At him

"The song.. tell him..." Harry mines back.
"Um boys, come on. We'll tell everyone she's awake. Liam?? Will you stay with her for a few minutes??" Harry cleared his throat. My eyes lit up with rage. That fucking prick. He smirked at me and walked off with the boys following him.

"Yeah yeah, no problem" Liam replies and sat down in the chair next to my bed:
"How are you feeling??" He asked and I looked at him with a funny face. He made a face and laughed weakly "I'm sorry. Bad question. I shouldn't of asked. I'm just worried, we all are" he looked me in my eyes.
I frowned "you're worried about me??"
He nodded and smiled softly, he then dropped his smile replacing it with a frown "look, I know I did some terrible things to you.. to our relationship. I did the worst and cheated on you, after we- after we lost our baby. I'm a disgusting human, and i don't deserve your forgiveness.. but all I ask is that you take care of yourself. I still love you so fucking much Anna and I always fucking will. I regret my past so bad, but one thing I don't regret; and one thing I never will regret is you." He spoke. Truth dripping in every word. I believed him.

"And before you start to worry, I'm okay with you and Niall. I want you to be happy. And I know he can make you happy. I joined your live stream when Niall was at your house. I saw the way you looked at each other, admittedly, I was pissed off a little. You're my ex girlfriend of 5 years and he's my best friend. But then I got over the jealousy, I got over the fact you and him were getting closer. Niall told me when he got here that you and him where now together.. he basically asked for my blessing" Liam smiled widely "he's such a good kid" Liam backed up his bandmate:

I nodded and smiled. Niall really was a angel.

"I've got something I want to discuss with you" I made known, making Liam look back up at me from his gold watch.
"Oh yeah??" He raised a brow and rubbed his stubble on his chin and neck "what is it??"
"Where's my phone??" I asked cautiously. I bent over and reached for the bedside table and opened the draw pulling out my phone.
"Fully charged" he smiled and handed me it.

I went to my audio notes and pressed on the final version of Hurts Like Hell.. the one with Offset's rap in it.
"This is a song I write: listen to the lyrics carefully. I just want you to double check everything? Like is it okay to put out??" I pondered handing him my phone.

His brows raised "you write a song about me?? I feel honoured" he smiled, glamorously. I've always been so attracted to him. He's gotten even more attractive since leaving the band.

NO ANNA. You can't say that shit!!

I scolded myself quietly.

"If you press the blue button next to the play button, it brings up the lyrics too.. that's just so you can read them if the song is going too fast for you to process any lyrics you may want or not want in there" I told him politely. He smiled at me and nodded as he pressed play and then pressed the blue button. He nodded his head to the beat, swaying his head slightly.

Once it was over, he smiled widely "I love it... is this the one coming out in the 1st December??" He asked and I nodded

"I'll be sure to buy it on iTunes" he winked cheekily and handed me my phone. "Are you performing it on XFactor then, if you can??"

I nodded "yeah... but I kind of want to sing a song that represents my pain too.. if you get me. While you and the boys was chatting.. I was thinking about releasing a record from my album and the track is called The Cure; it's basically about being lost over so many things in life but having the power and strength to find myself again as a human being. Find myself as the Anna I lost so many years ago. But that song isn't going to be released as a single." I looked at Liam.

"Maybe you can sing Hurts Like Hell and The Cure in the XFactor when you perform there on the 2nd December... and maybe, while you perform the cure, it can just be a early gift they get when they are able to pre order the album in iTunes. It can be a gift song.. ya know. So they'd already have Bed and Hurts Like Hell, so maybe you can but The Cure down as a special gift." He smiled "like the boys and I did with Infinity on the made in the am album" he added grinning.

He knew i knew that Infinity was about me.

I grinned and placed my phone in my lap "yeah I guessed" I replied cheekily.

"Sooooo..." he said smirking as he meant forward "how do you feel having Offset on your track?!"

"IM SO HAPPY!! When I got that email I think I pulled Harry's ear drum from screaming so loud. I felt like a teenager at a one direction concert" I teased smirking at him making him smile widely, his eyes twinkle under the hospital lights "I don't know what you're talking about" he teased.

I decided to tease back "yeahhhh, I heard one direction was a good boyband. When I heard them on the AMA's performing story of my life I nearly passed out, they was so bad!" I explained jokingly
"HEY!!!" He joked pointing a finger at me "we was ill" he backed himself and the boys up.

"Harry sounded like a 13 year old boy when he's going through puberty and his balls are in the middle of dropping" I joked. Liam widened his eyes, raising his brow at me "I'll be telling Harry that you're taking the piss out of him" he warned pointing his index finger at me

I laughed nonchalantly "PUUUULLLLEASE" I began, the lowered my voice "you wouldn't dare!!"

Liam laugher evilly "oh?? Wouldn't I?" He raised a questioning brow, making me scowl playfully.

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