Chapter 61: London Zoo

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19th April 2018

"Hurry up your ass" Harry calls out through the apartment.
I roll my eyes scoffing as I coat my lips in a nude lipstick from Mac. I pout my lips in the mirror. Cute.
"If you talk to me like that again I'll take extra fucking long"

"You do that! You just won't be seeing the animals!!" He calls back sarcastically.
I gasp and put down my nude Mac lipstick, that for some reason tastes like watermelon, and jog out of my bedroom to Harry who was twirling his car keys around his index finger. He grinned biting his lip "I knew you'd come when I said that"
I rolled my eyes walking up to him "get out the door now" I insisted. He giggled and walked to the door while I pushed his back.
He opened my front door and walked out of it.
"Have you got everything??" He asked, i nodded in return and checked him out.
He was wearing a pretty simple outfit, a black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, a bomber jacket with green leaves on and a tiger with some type of bird on the chest, which I find pretty sexy, he looks great.

"Come here baby" Harry said after I shut the apartment door and locked it.
I turned to him and he pulled me into his body by my hips "you look great" he grinned and kissed my lips.
I looked down at my body then back up to him "I do??" I question.
"You look really sexy..." he bit his lip again making me blush "thank you, you look great too!" I complimented him back. Because he does.

 Because he does

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"We make quite the couple don't we?" He teased grabbing my hand to hold it

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"We make quite the couple don't we?" He teased grabbing my hand to hold it. He kissed my lips again and moaned "you taste like watermelon. And it's such a turn on" he commented.

We went for food at one of London's top restraunts now we are heading down to London zoo.
It is our second date together. Someone in the restraunt tipped us off that we was there and when we came out we was confronted by the paparazzi and fans. I think they're starting to realise something romantic is going on between us both. We are both dressed very.. date like, and holding hands. And we're always together, so I'm sure they suspect something.

"What are you most excited to see?" Harry asked snapping me away from my thoughts. I cleared my throat and asked "umm- what?" I say not having a clue what he's on about.
"What animal are you most excited to see" he laughed softly as he spoke, then frowned "are you okay?"

I smiled softly and nodded "I'm good." I said then thought about what animals I can't wait to see "lions.. I love lions. The tigers too, they're beautiful creatures. I've never seen a gorilla in real life so I'm excited about that"

"Louis told me you've never been here before and everyone who knows you well enough knows how much you adore animals. So I thought I'd bring you here and you could check it out seen as though you've never been before" he smiled.
We pulled up to the big gates and entered. We found a parking space and walked towards the vip gate section where no one else stood.

When we walked up to the counter, the girl behind it froze "oh my god... you're- you're... oh shit! I'm so sorry, this is so unprofessional!" She scolded herself making Harry laugh softly.
"You're Anastasia Tomlinson!!" She almost shouted but stopped herself so that only Harry and I could hear her. She was gaping at me in amazement. I looked at Harry and laughed loudly at his facial expression. He thought she was freaking out over him. Ha.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Anna!" The young girl commented. Possibly around 20/21 years old. I smiled at her warmly "thank you so much, love. What's your name sweetheart?"

"Oh my gosh.. you're just like Louis. Your mannerisms.. how you speak. You could of been twins!! And ummm, my name is Layla!" She exclaimed making me laugh and make a face "let's just say," I lean closer to her through the large window of the ticket hut "I'm glad we aren't twins, then we'd be too much alike. And I couldn't deal with that" I grinned making her giggle. She looked at Harry and her eyes glistened "it's lovely to meet you Harry"

He held his hand out for her to shake "it's lovely to meet you, too, Layla. Nice to know you're a fan" he said jokingly making her laugh "I'm sorry.. I'm just a die hard louis fan.. and I'm a huge fan of Anna's. You're amazing too." She turned and smiled at Harry.
He nodded understandably "the Tommo's just have something about them... I get it. I feel the same as you do when I'm around Anna, too" he said jokingly and sent a wink my way making me laugh and roll my eyes.
"Is it true? Are you two dating?"

Harry and I looked at each other, I gave him a reassuring smile. He wrapped his hand around my waist and grinned "yeah we are!" He said happily and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

"That's so sweet. You look beautiful together! So a VIP ticket for two??" Layla says looking at us.
"Thank you," Harry and I both say "and yes please, that would be great" Harry adds on.

Harry hands over a wad of cash and asks her to keep the change. Layla got us some VIP lanyards and wrist bands. We could go behind the scenes of the zoo as well as walk around like other visitors. But we could go round the back and feed the animals through the cages which is cool.

I've also brought a load of money with me to donate it to them as I walk out. So they can use it for a good cause. Or to enrich the animals lives here.. or send it off to animal charities, whatever they want to do they can.

I drew out of bank around £10,600 for them to do that. And I'm happy to help in some way or another. These animals need saving and protecting. And with future charity work... I hope to fundraise for them and make sure their life in the wild and in zoos are extremely safe and make sure they're always protected.

Bedroom Floor (Harry Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant