Chapter 63: IHeart Radio.

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19th April 2018

"I'm gonna miss you," Harry commented as he hugged me tightly around the waist.. "I really am" he whispered.

"Have fun on tour." I rubbed his back and pulled back from the hug. He smiled softly, tears in his eyes, which made me pout "aww Harry, don't cry it'll—"

"Be my girlfriend" Harry said cutting me off, I laughed softly and looked him in the eye.
"Anna, be my girlfriend, be my girl.." he held onto my hand and squeezed it. I leant forward and pressed my lips against his "does that answer your question?" I mumbled on his softly lips. He moaned as a response.

His phone started ringing, he groaned and took it out of his coat pocket, he read the caller ID and sighed "I'm gonna have to go.. I'll message or call you when I land in Perth"
I smiled at him and nodded "alright, see you soon" I kissed his lips again, before I could pull away he pulled me back and deepened the kiss.
He pulled away and smirked, pecking my lips one more time then opening my front door "see you, be safe, if you need me just call me" he said.
"I will, bye!" I waved him off "have fun"
He pouted "I'll try!" He joked and walked off. We waved a good bye to each other and I shut my apartment door.
It is now 11pm.. so he arrives in Perth tomorrow.

I head straight to bed after locking the door, as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light!

20th April 2018

"Welcome to the show.. Anastasia Tomlinson!!" Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden introduces me.
"Helloooo!!" I say cheerfully "how are you both?" I ask them before they can ask me.
"We're good! We're good! How are you?" Jamie asks.

I smile happily "I'm really good actually" I say and glance down at my phone on the white desk in front of me. It was Harry.

"That's great!!" Amanda said and flicked her hair "here on the IHeart radio station we love you.. so much!!"
I open my hands and clap them "well, I love IHeart Radio, so everyone is a winner!" I say cheekily.
"Just like Louis.. that's such a Louis thing to say!" Jamie laughed causing a laugh from Amanda and I.
"I am like him," I nod laughing "it's like we're twins sometimes, it's scary!" I say chuckling.

"He seems like a really good brother! You have quite a lot of siblings.. don't you??" Amanda asks and I nod "yeah, I have 7 siblings. I'm the second oldest out of 8 children" I grin happily.
"I bet your mother had her hands full!" Jamie said softly. I nodded with a grin "she did, but she loved it, she was the best mum, always tried her hardest for us. She's my rock"

"That's so sweet. You and Louis seem like you're very close.. are you two probably the closest to each other out of all your siblings??" Amanda asked. I sat and thought about it "ummm yeah.. yeah most probably" I nod and itch the side of my nose with my acrylic nail.
"But, on the other hand, Louis is extremely close to Lottie. I am too. But I'm really close to the twins, Daisy and Phoebe." I smiled.

"What about Felicité?" Jamie wondered making me nod "I'm really close to Fizzy too, she's amazing, she's just so busy building her career I rarely see or speak to her. We've been talking more lately which is amazing." I smiled proudly.

"That's great! That's really great!" Amanda said and then glued her eyes to the computer screen.
"We've got a few questions here... that the fans want us to ask you. Apparently, these are questions you've NEVER been asked before!"

"Ooo" I say excitedly and clap my hands together "let's see then!" I smile.

"What is your favourite part of your morning routine??" Amanda read out.
My eyebrows raise in surprise "Oo I actually haven't been asked that before!"
I tap my index finger against my lips "There's nowt like a proper brew!" I say in my thick Yorkshire accent.
Amanda and Jamie laugh at me making me grin.

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