Chapter 98: oh fuck

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11th November 2018

i did a show in Manchester on the 9th, i had a day off yesterday which i spent rehearsing for the brit awards, and now i have a show in London tonight and tomorrow night which is very exciting.

right now, i'm sat in my dressing room on my phone looking through my instagram.
i posted a mirror selfie of me yesterday with joggers on, trainers, a sports bra and a cap and i captioned the photo 'i'm coming😏and the fans are going absolutely crazy on instagram and twitter trying to find out the meaning before my caption. there is some fans thinking of it in a rude way... them there is fans who think there is a real meaning behind it. which there is. i'm warning them of new music.. but mainly, my brits performance. it's funny reading all their theories. some people have hit the nail on the head and have said i'm hinting at a performance as i'm in lounge clothes which you'd normally wear for dance.

right now i'm sat backstage all ready for tonight's show... i've got my black and red stage outfit on while i'm sat on the sofa

my phone buzzes so i look up at the notification bar to see i have a message from perrie Perrie xxx: i hope you don't feel like i'm pressuring you into this

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my phone buzzes so i look up at the notification bar to see i have a message from perrie
Perrie xxx: i hope you don't feel like i'm pressuring you into this... but we need to know babe. please take the test! i'll see you at tomorrow nights show, i can't wait to watch you perform. you can take the tests then, while i'm with you— for support if you like?? you shouldn't have to do this on your own babe xxx

i breathed and locked my phone placing it onto the spare seat beside me on the sofa. my eyes latched on to my bag on the floor under the table in front of me. i sat up and bent forward grabbing the bag and pulling it from under the table. i grabbed just one test out of the bag and looked at the packaging. Clear Blue.
i try to steady my hands so that i'm not shaking too much. i placed it on the table in front of me and put my head in my hands. this can't be happening. am i really about to find out if i'm pregnant or not.

"please, i don't need this right now. i can't be pregnant" i say to myself "i can't and don't want to be a single mum. i still have so much i want to achieve" i mumble to myself "i'm not mentally in the right space yet"

i dabbed under my eye and sniffled. frustratingly, i threw a cushion across the room in anger. my life always turns out to shit.

"instead of throwing cushions around why don't you take your damn tests???" i heard an all too familiar voice from the door. i looked up and it was harry. he was looking me straight in the eye.

"oh fuck." i mumble and he nodded walking in fully "oh fuck indeed" he mimicked me making me lower my brows.
"how long have you known??" he said impatiently as he closed the dressing room door behind me.
"i don't know anything right now— i'm too nervous. i don't need the pressure and responsibility of a kid on my shoulders right now"

he sighed and softly spoke "you need to take the test Anna"
that's when i broke down, he came over to me. moved my phone from the space beside me and placed it on the desk in front of us. he sat down on the seat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me in for a hug.

"i'm so scared" i fully broke down crying into his chest. luckily my makeup wasn't done yet. lou arrives in like two hours to do my makeup.
"shhh" he rubbed my arm "you can do this. if you are pregnant, we can get through this together!" he said softly "there's nothing to be scared of" he shook his head.
"there is everything to be scared of. i aren't ready for a baby. i was pregnant when i was like 20 and lost the baby. i aren't capable of even looking after a baby while it's in the womb so what makes you think i can do it this time?? what makes you think i can be capable of looking after the baby outside of the womb??"

he sighed hugging me tighter "i know you're scared, and this obviously wasn't planned which makes it worse on you. but we don't need to think about all that yet— we just need to know if you are or if you're not." he said "when was the last time you had your period??" he wondered softly. i sat up and wiped my face pulling myself out of his embrace "August.. the middle of august." i whispered.

"Shit." he said with fright.
"so you could be like two months pregnant already??" he wondered sheepishly "possibly" i nod

"why didn't you take one sooner??" i could feel his eyes on me. "because of my contraception my periods are a little messed up so it didn't really click until like last week..." i said out loud "i just thought that i didn't have my period yet because of my contraception..." i trailed off "but then i realised that we was sexually active... i pieced it together and if i'm right this baby could have been conceived anywhere from the middle of august after my period up until early september" i told him and he nodded at my explanation

" go take a test... i'll be here. i'll wait." he smiled at me. i grabbed the test from the table and reached into my bag for another two.  i walked into the en suite and locked the door behind me.


i sat patiently on the couch in her dressing room waiting for her to exit the en suite bathroom with the test results. if i'm being totally honest, i do want her to be pregnant.. of course i do. a baby? with anna? yes please. she'd be the perfect mum. and i'd try to be the perfect dad. i'd love to have a baby with her, i'd protect her and the baby with my whole life.

she walked out with a straight face with three tests in her hand.

"well? are you pregnant??" i asked her after we started at each other for a few minutes.

she breathed shakily and answered me.

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