Chapter 39

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Steve walked into the lab with the Maximoff twins and saw Tony and Bruce working on the cradle. "I'm gonna say this once." Steve said.

"How about "none-ce"?" Tony cut him off with his usual humor.

"Shut it down!" Steve yelled at them.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony told him and continued to work.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve said trying to get through to him. "And you do? She's not in your head?" Bruce said pointing at Wanda.

"I know you're angry." Wanda was about to apologize but Bruce cut her off. "Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." He told her.

"Banner, after everything that's happened..." Steve said but Tony cut him off again. "It's nothing compared to what's coming!" He said.

"You don't know what's in there." Wanda said.

"I know one them is holding my girlfriend captive!" Tony yelled back at her.

Pietro looked around and then speeded around the lab while unplugging every single cord that was connected to the cradle. "No, no. Go on." He said and threw a cord on the floor. "You were saying?"

A gunshot was heard and Pietro saw a bullet in front of him going up and he looks at it curiously. The glass he was standing on broke underneath him and he fell down a level.

Clint put his foot on top of Pietro and smirks down at him. "What? You didn't see that coming?" He taunted him.

"I'm rerouting the upload." Tony said and started typing in the computer.

Steve threw his shield at all the monitors and sparks flew around the room. Tony called for his Iron Man glove and he held his hand out and fired at Steve. Steve got knocked down on his back and Tony's Iron Man back was attached to Tony.

Wanda was going to use her powers but Bruce came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her neck. "Go ahead, piss me off."

Iron Man's chest piece was next and Steve had got back up. He ran towards Tony, but Tony fire a shot from the center of his chest. They both got pushed away from each other, but Tony was pushed into a window.

Wanda used her powers to make it go through her and towards Bruce and she held him there.

Thor slid in the room and went straight towards the two cradles. He got on top of one and stood straight up. "Wait!" Banner yelled out but Thor ignored him and summoned lightning to his hammer. He redirected his hammer and strikes the lightning to the cradles.

The first cradle exploded sending Thor across the room and into glass that was hanging from the ceiling.

A red body came out the cradle and was kneeling on top of it. Smoke was falling off his body. He stood up slowly as he looks at everyone around him. He looks back at Thor and flew after him. Thor threw his body across the room and the Android went through a window and out towards the lounge.

Before he went through another window he stopped and stared at the cities night life. Everyone came down to see what he would do next. When everyone left they forgot about the second cradle. Ever's cradle turned to dust and she was just floating there horizontally.

Ever |Avengers/ Tony Stark|Where stories live. Discover now