Chapter 53

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The next day Tony came home all bloody and injured. He was carrying Steve's shield as he limps his way to the couch in the living room. I immediately walked over to him. "What the hell happened?" I asked as I start to heal him.

"Barnes. He uh, he was the person responsible in my parents death." Oh my god. That's terrible news. "Oh, Tony." I pulled him for a hug to comfort him. It must suck that the person your helping was the same person that killed your parents.

"You wanna know the worst part? Steve knew. He knew his best friend killed my parents and he's been keeping it away from me all this time." And the plot thickens. Steve had no right to keep something like this away from Tony.

"He had no right to keep that kind of information away from you." I said and I pulled away and saw that he looked back to his regular self but he still look distraught over the recent events.

"I'm just over it at this point. The Avengers are done." He stated and grabs my hand in his. "There's more important things to focus on now." He hinted at the growing baby inside of me.

I looked down to see that my stomach was starting to get bigger. I smile down at my beautiful baby and rest my free hand against it. "Is it suppose to be growing that fast? We just found out not that long ago." Tony asked me.

"Maybe it has something to do with me being an alien. I'm not sure, but I'm just going with it." I said and just stared into his eyes and he does the same with me.

"I love you." He told me.

"I love you too."

Our moment got interrupted when someone knocked on the front door window. I look over to see this elderly mailman from FedEx standing outside. "Are you Tony Stank?" He asked us.

I immediately burst out laughing as Tony got up and accepted the package. "I am changing your contact name to that." I said laughing.

"You're so hilarious." Tony comments and opens the package. I got up from my seat and went to the kitchen to make myself some tea. The retirement life is looking pretty good right now. Once the baby is born I will be able to focus on it instead of this hero life.

~Infinity War is coming~

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