Chapter 23

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I was putting the last of Tony's clothes in our bags before Pepper grabbed them and threw them over the edge so we didn't have to carry them down the stairs.

"Tony are we expecting guest?" I yelled out so he could hear me but I never got an answer.

Me and Pepper walked down the stairs to see him talking to girl.

"Sorry. With Happy in the hospital, I didn't know they were expecting guests." Pepper said as we stand by Tony's side.

"We weren't." He said. "An old ex-girlfriend?" I asked her.

"No, not really. I- It was just one night." She stuttered out.

"Yep." Tony confirmed and I furrowed my eyes at their history.

"Lucky you. You saved yourself from a world of pain." I said and Tony immediately looked at me while Pepper laughs. "What?" He said.

"I'm sure." She said. I turned towards Tony. "We are going out of town." I told him.

"Okay, we've been through this. Nope." He said. "Yep!" I corrected.

"The man says no." He said referring to himself as the man of the house. "I don't care if you are the man of the house or you are the president. I will drag your ass out this house if I have to." I yelled at him.

"Honey..." Tony said in a calm voice before getting cut off. "Great idea. Let's go." The girl said.

"I'm sorry, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags." He told the girl. "This is how normal people behave." Pepper said.

"I can't protect her out there." Tony argued.

"Is.... Is that normal?" The girl ask staring at the gigantic Bunny with breast by the stairs.

"Sadly that is very normal." I said as Tony yelled at her pointing a finger. "Yes, this is normal! It's a big bunny. Relax about it!" He yelled.

"Why are you yelling? She didn't even insult you?" I asked him. "I got this for you." He said. "I know." I said before he cut me off. "You still haven't even told me you liked it." He exclaimed.

"I told you I appreciate all of your gifts I just prefer that it be small or nothing at all." I said before getting back on the main topic. "We can't stay in a house where all of our potential enemies now know, Tony! It's unsafe here." I said before the girl called out to both of us.

"What?" Tony asked as we all stare at the news on the tv. It was showing a live video of our house. "Do we need to worry about this?" The girl ask.

The live video showed a missile flying directly at the house. We all turned towards the window to see the missile coming through the window and an explosion went off.

Me, Tony, and Pepper flew across the house. Tony made hand movement and pieces of the Iron Man suit came and connected itself around Pepper.

We landed harshly against the wall and I fell down on my side.

I hear cracking and I looked up to see the ceiling about to break. I look over to see Tony laying their and I moved towards him and created a dome to protect us from the debris. "Get up." I said harshly. "Yeah." He said and stood up. "Like you said. We can't stay here."

We were about to leave before another missile came and exploded, separating us.

Pepper had the girl over her shoulder and stood next to me waiting for Tony. He was about to reach us before the ground broke out creating a crater that was too big for him to jump.

"I'm going to find another way around." He said but me and Pepper didn't want to leave. "Stop talking. Take her and get outside." He told us and we hurriedly took the girl outside.

Once outside I turn back around to go back in but a piece of the house fell apart right in front of the door. All of a sudden pieces of the Iron Man suit was coming off Pepper back flying back into the house.

I look up to see a helicopter shooting at something inside the house. My eyes turned completely black at the realization they were trying to kill Tony. I stood up from the ground and held my hand out before shooting at the helicopter.

The helicopter went up in flames and fell down on the house. The house couldn't take it anymore and a big part of it snap off and fell down into the water.

I went back inside the house to see if Tony was still there but he wasn't. He must have fell in the water like all of the other debris did.

My eyes started to turn glossy as I stare at the water where all of the debris landed in. I can still hear the helicopter hovering in front of us so I lifted my head up. I can feel my eyes were glossy but you could see nothing but white. I held my hand out and fired at the helicopter as it was turning back around and heading back to where it came from.

My shot hit the bottom of the helicopter but it dodged out of the way and left. I grazed my hand through my hair as I try to think of what to do. "He's not dead. He's not dead. He can't be dead." I kept thinking.

I thought of a risky plan but didn't really think it through as I dive down into the water. I dove all the way down and held my hand out and shot at the biggest debris. It broke into pieces and I saw Tony laying there. I immediately grabbed him and pulled him away from the debris to make sure he wasn't stuck.

All of a sudden he grabbed onto me and flew us out of the water and up into the sky.

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