Chapter 14

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Tony sat up and looked at Steve in shock. "Put on the suit." Steve said getting off the ground. "Yeah." Tony said hurrying up. They both rushed out the door and Tony put his Iron Man suit so they can quickly fix the engine that was blown up.

Fury pulled himself to a chair and put his hand against his ear to talk everyone. "Hill." He grunted out. "External detonation. Somebody's got to get outside and patch that engine." Hill told him.

"Stark, you copy that?" Fury asked him. "I'm on it." Tony answered. "Coulson, initiate defensive lockdown in the detention section, then get to the armory." He commanded. "Romanoff" he asked to see if she was alive. "We're okay." She said as she tries to pull her foot out of the pipes.

"Evergreen are you there?" Fury ask but didn't get an response. "Evergreen." He said more sternly but she was still quiet. "Has anyone seen Agent Evergreen." Fury ask anyone on the comms.

"There was someone falling from the sky when we got hit. We couldn't identify." Someone said and Fury sighs at the fact that Ever won't be of no use now that she is free falling unconsciously.

Tony and Steve started to make their way towards the engine, but he turned a corner to get to his suit. "Engine 3 I'll meet you there." He told Steve before walking to his Iron Man suit. He pulled out his phone and went to check Ever's vital signs to see if she was still alive and she was, but was sleeping.
He then activated his suit and put it on before flying out to help Steve.

Steve made it to the blown up engine. "Stark!" He yelled out. "Stark I'm here."

"Good." Tony said as he flew to what was damaged. "I got to get this superconducting coolant system back online before I can access the rotors, work on dislodging the debris." He said to himself coming up with a plan to stop the helicarrier from falling from the sky.

"I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position." Tony commanded Steve as he starts to remove all the broken debris from the engine.

Steve leaped his way to the control panel and opened a hatch and pulled the control panel out. "What does it look like in there?" Tony asked him. "It seems to run on some form of electricity." Steve said looking at all the wires not knowing which do what.

"Well, your not wrong." Tony said and he looks at the damaged rotor in the engine.

Tony shot his way through the debris to get to the center of the engine and he sees the damaged rotor. "Okay, the relays are intact." Steve told him "what's our next move?" He ask

"Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm going to have to get in there and push." Tony explained the plan.

Steve told him the consequences of that plan. "If that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded."

"That stator control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could..." Tony said before Steve cut him off. "Speak English!" He yelled

Tony thinks of a new way to explain everything into smaller and more understanding words. "You see that red lever?" Steve turned around to see the lever on the wall behind him. "It will slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it. Wait for my word." Tony explained.

Steve leaped over to the lever and waited patiently by it while Tony pointed a laser at a rotor and then flew high enough to to make it fall.

Steve sees someone come to the engine and through a grenade. He jumped in the air and redirected the grenade so it would blow up away from the helicarrier and landed on the platform by the control panel again.

He leaped down and punched the guy that threw the grenade and his buddy aimed his gun and shot, but Steve kicked the gun out of his hands before kicking him back to where they walked in from.

Steve hit the first guy head against a pole before throwing him off and letting him fall to his death.

Another guy stepped into the doorway and started firing his machine gun at Steve. He ducked down to avoid the fire. Steve saw something sharp and picked it up before throwing it at him but he dodged it before stepping back into the doorway to shoot at Steve.
Steve leaped back up to lever and picked up a gun and shot back at the enemy.

Tony got behind a rotor and placed both hands on it. "Stark, we're losing altitude." Fury told him over the comms. "Yeah, I noticed." He said. Tony boosted up his rockets and he slowly started to move the rotors.

Steve was still shooting at one Loki's men when a few shots got a little bit too close to his head. He backed up out fear but slipped and fall from the floor. Luckily he grabbed onto a rope that was still attached and keeping him alive and not falling to his death.

Tony yelled out pushing the rotors even more and then they were moving on their own making the helicarrier stop gliding down from the sky. "Cap, Hit the lever." Tony said

"I need a minute here!" Steve yelled climbing his way back up the ramp. "Lever, now!" Tony said as he noticed the rotors are getting faster and faster but Steve was still getting shot at from the now annoying guy.

Tony was no longer pushing the rotor and was hit in the back by another and his feet was grazing the bottom of the rotor he was forced on. "Uh-oh." He got dragged down underneath all the rotors getting constantly hit by them. "Help!" He yelled.

Steve finally reaches the lever and Tony was able to get out of the engine but his suit was damaged. He immediately flew to Steve and saw the guy shooting up at Steve and tackled him to the ground knocking him unconscious. Tony pulled away and laid next to him out of breath as his suit power down.

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