Chapter 1

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I walked into one of Mr.Stark's lounge area. My eyes immediately were drawn to him and his bodyguard Happy Hogan in a ring boxing. Happy looked my way and paused. Tony saw him stop moving and see him staring at something and decides to see what got him distracted.

They both just stared at me and I stared at them back. I'm confused on why they would box but it was none of my business.

I looked away and walked towards Ms.Potts. "I promise you this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." She told Tony then smiled at me as I gave her the folder that will confirm Tony's resignation.

"I need you to initial each box." I told her and she gladly did what was asked. I heard Happy grunt and I looked up to see him stumble backwards into the corner.

"That's it I'm done." Happy said as he took off his head gear. Tony picked up his water bottle and looked at me again. "What's your name, lady?" He asked pointing directly at me.

I lifted my head up to look more confident. "Eagen. Eva Eagen." I said

"Front and center. Come into the church." He swung his arm around gesturing to the inside of the ring where him and Happy were.

"No. You're seriously not gonna ask..." Pepper said but was cut off by Tony. "If it pleases the court, which it does."

"It's not a problem." I said to Pepper then began to walk towards the ring.

"I'm sorry. He's very eccentric." Pepper said as Tony pulled the middle rope up and pushed the bottom rope down to make space for me to enter.

I bent down to get in and stood straight up and stared at him. He looked at me while drinking something with a black color from his water bottle.

He pulled the bottle away and just stared at me. "Are you single?" He said and I raised an eyebrow at the question. He's pretty bold to ask me that on the spot and we just met. Like, 5 seconds ago.

"That is sadly none of your business Mr.Stark. Very unprofessional of you. Even though you're dressed in a black hoodie and black sweatpants with gloves on." I said giving off my best innocent smile.

"Sorry that was rude of me. I tend to act weird around gorgous women so excuse my actions." He said then turned to Happy. "Can you give her a lesson?" He asked then left the ring. He moves fast.

"No problem." Happy said then moved to take Tony's place on where he stood. The both of us moved to the center of ring. "You ever boxed before?" He asked me.

"I have, yes." I said and gave him a closed mouth smile. "What, like, the Tae Bo? Booty Boot Camp? Crunch? Something like that?" He asked but I didn't answer. I just clear my throat. He'll regret underestimating me. Just because I look small and innocent does not mean I'm not deadly.

"How do I spell your name, Eva?" Tony yelled out. I looked over my shoulder to see him sitting with Ms.Potts and the both of them were watching us. "E-A-G-E-N." I told him and he clapped his hand together and looked at the table. He's probably trying to find information about me so I don't seem shady.

I looked back at Happy. "Alright so let's get into a stance and I will teach you a lesson." He said pulled his arm up into a fighting stance.

I turned back around to stare at Tony and Pepper. "Rule number one, never take your eye off your opponent." He said. I felt him move to throw a punch but I turned back around and grabbed his boxing block before it could touch me. I pulled it away while also cracking something in his wrist. I moved my body like I was going to do a cartwheel with one arm and wrapped my legs around Happy's neck. While holding on to his neck and arm, I flipped myself and Happy down to the mat and he struggle to get out before tapping out.

"Oh, my God!" "Whoa!" Pepper and Tony yelled out once they saw what happened in the ring. "Happy!" Pepper said with concern in her voice.

"That's what I'm talking about." Tony said and walked towards the bell. "I just slipped." Happy said trying to cover up the embarrassment. I walked towards the ropes and bent down to exit the ring while Tony hit the bell a few time. "Looks like a TKO to me." He said

I put my shoes back on and looked up to see Tony standing in front of me again. "Just... I need your impression." I said

"You have a quiet reserve. I don't know, you have an old soul." He said with a face of confusion.

"I meant your fingerprint." I said more specifically and opened up the folder to where he needs to be.

"Right." He paused for a while. "Are you dating someone? Because I would like to know if he's worthy to be with you." He said but I smiled at him and moved the folder closer to him.

He pressed his thumb on the black ink and stamped his fingerprint on the paper. I heard Pepper walking up to us. "So, how are we doing?" She asked

"Great. Just wrapping up. Hey." He said to get Pepper's attention then hit the folder with his pointer finger. "You're the boss."

I close the folder and turned to him. "Will that be all Mr.Stark?" I asked him and turned my way. "No." He said while Pepper said yes.

"I still need to know if your free. Relationship wise. I'm hoping that you are single. Please be single." He said and Pepper brought her hand up to nose and looked down in disappointment.

I smiled up at him. "Yes, Tony. I am single. I do not have a boyfriend at the moment but I have a feeling you're trying to change that." I said to him.

"Well that's great. Onto my next mission. I am personally inviting you to my race tomorrow. It's in Monaco. The Grand Prix De Monaco Historique. You, Pepper, and Happy can watch me win." He said with a smile.

I smiled back at him. "It will be rude of me to turn down an invitation. I'll see you there. But as of this moment I have important stuff to do." I said then moved passed him to exit the room.

Tony and Pepper stood exactly where they are and watch Eva leave. "I still got it." He said.

"No you don't." Pepper said and they both started at each other with a playful glare.

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