Chapter 55

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Tony took the phone out my hand and opened it only to stare at the screen. "Just a single button." I said out loud and he glared at me. Before anything could be done a distant rumbling was heard from outside.

"Say doc, you wouldn't be happening to be moving your hair, would ya?" Tony asked him.

"Not at the moment, no." He answered as he also listens to the rumbling.

I looked at the glass door to see someone running really fast followed by multiple people. I walked closer to the door as their screams that too hot my ear.

Tony walked outside and turned in circles as we all look at the panic that was happening around us. We started to walk down a block and this tanned girl fell in front of us. "Are you okay?" Tony asked her a a He helps her back to her feet. The girl only screamed and ran out of Tony's arms.

Tony put his glasses on. "Friday what am I looking at?" Tony asked his A.I.

We turn a corner and there was this huge and skinny ship coming down the street. It was very big and shaped like a wheel. The ship opened and this blue light came down to reveal this one big dude and a smaller looking alien. We walked closer to them.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos." The little alien spoke up. The bigger guy repositioned his axe as he says something in a non human language. "Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing..."

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today." Tony cut him off. "You better pack it up and get outta here."

"Stonekeeper." The weird looking alien spoke towards Strange. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?" He asked.

"Certainly not. I speak for myself." He clapped his hands and golden transparent circles appeared on both of his fist. That is so cool. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

"He means get lost, Squidward." Oh I love squidward. Tony had me start watching this show called spongebob and this squidward character is like really relatable at times. I still remember the camp fire song.

"He exhaust me. Bring me the stone." The smaller alien commanded the big guy.

The big alien smashed his axe into the ground and starts to walk towards us. "Banner, you want a piece?" Tony asked him seeing has the hulk is like a bit bigger that this dude.

"Mmm, no, not really. But when do I ever get what I want?" Bruce answered.

He grunts as he tries to bring the other guy out and I can see his neck turn green before it just disappears. Strange looks at Tony waiting for Bruce to bring Hulk out. Tony smiles at Strange before looking back at Bruce. "Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards. You know what? Why don't you sit by the curb? I got this." The big alien starts to run at us now

Tony pulled the two strings on his jacket and then tapped the thing on his chest. Then the Iron Man suit starts to build around his body as he walks towards to alien.

Tony pulled out his shield to block the hit from the axe and then he uppercuts him. Tony held his fist out and then four blasters came out from his back. The alien roared and Tony fired his shot at him. The alien flew towards the smaller alien but he just waved his hand making the big alien land onto a car. So he's a wizard as well. The four blasters went back on Tony's suit.

"Where's that come from?" Bruce asks totally shocked at Tony's new technology.

"It's nanotech. You like it?" Tony answered.

Tony got shot up in the air and I see the alien wizard take out trees from the root and shoot it at us. Strange looked at Bruce. "Dr. Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us..." he makes a portal to a random park that was far away from us and Bruce fell backwards into it. "Do you have something cool?" He asked me.

I smirked at him before I held my hand up in the air and snapped my fingers. Tony used nanotech on my suit as well and let's just say I love it more than him.

I saw the Wizard throw a car towards us so I balled my fist up and punched it back at him

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I saw the Wizard throw a car towards us so I balled my fist up and punched it back at him. He held his hand up and the car split in half before it could even touch him.

"Gotta get that stone outta here, now." Tony said as he flew back towards me and Strange.

"It stays with me." Strange said with a strong voice.

"Exactly, bye." Tony said and he got hit by the big guy throwing him all the way to the park. Now it's just me and Strange against this Squidward looking alien.

"I do say Ever, you have grown tremendously. Thanos will be very happy to see you have returned." He said.

"Okay, I don't know who you are, or why you and Thanos know my name, but I need you to leave this planet and never come back here again." I said.

The wizard made a dozen of bricks fly into the air, shaved them off to shape them into small spikes, and then shot them at us. Strange made a portal so the spikes can go somewhere else while made the spikes aiming at me stop mid air.

I turned them back around and me and Strange sent them back towards the wizard. He held up a damage car to shield himself, but I made the final spike change it's direction and it hit him upside the head.

The wizard looked angry and he aimed his hand at a water hydrant next to me and water shot towards my legs making me fall. I saw Strange make a burning rope and wrap it around the wizards arm. "No!" I yelled out, but he had already pulled and the two flew to a building. The wizard covered Strange in bricks. He went to grab the necklace but yelled out in pain.

I wonder what happened. I got up from the ground but then suddenly I couldn't move. I look down to see my feet we're stuck by whatever they made these roads with. I shot my powers at it and freed myself. I look back up just to see The wizard beaming Strange into the ship.

This wouldn't happen if he didn't pull the wizard closer to the damn stone. I sigh and held both my palms out to the ground as the plasma starts to lift me up.

I saw something with a white parachute coming my way and I quickly grab the person only to realize it's Peter. "Peter what are you doing here?" I asked him as I move my plasma to my feet so I don't burn him with my hands.

I see Tony activated his new suit. "Hi Eve. I was just going after the evil wizard but the door closed on me. Then Mr. Stark gave me this new suit that smells like a brand new car and it feels really amazing. He had Friday activate the parachute to send me back to the ground and now I'm here in your arms." He explained.

I giggled at him and flew us to the ship that was quickly leaving Earth.

Ever |Avengers/ Tony Stark|Where stories live. Discover now