Chapter 51

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I was in my suit and I was floating above the airport. I watch as Clint, Wanda, Cap, Bucky, Sam, and this other guy in dark red run towards the quinjet.

My eyes start to glow and a yellow plasma blast shot out in front of them making them stop their pursuit. The ground cracked, so if they take one more step, I'll possibly hurt them.

"Steve." I called out making them all look up at me. "I understand you want to protect him but if he was innocent why is he running. You need to stop now, I won't ask a second time."

Tony flew down in front of them with Warmachine right after, having Peter hanging on by his web before he let go and flipped onto his feet. Natasha and Black Panther stood on both sides of Tony.

Steve stared at us all before he strongly walks to us. "This is gonna end well." Natasha said as they all start to walk as well. I just glide towards them in a slow pace matching their speed.

Steve started to jog and soon everyone else started to jog. "They're not stopping." Peter called out.

"Neither are we." Tony said.

Tony and James flew up as the pace went faster. Us three start to fly faster and the people that didn't fly broke out in a sprint.

Wanda and the Falcon flew up and I caught her gaze. She was going to be my current opponent. She landed on the ground and shot her red magic at me. I immediately dodged it and sent my white plasma back at her.

She starts tossing car parts my way, but I just tossed them aside. There was one car that I wasn't paying attention to and when I was about to make direct contact with it, it turned to water drenching me.

My distraction caused her to go help her team. I watch as Bucky and T'Challa fought. He tossed Bucky into some boxes and was about to hit him with his claws, but Wanda jumped in and tossed T'Challa away saving him. I used my plasma to grab a hold on the Black Panther before he was thrown into some cargo and as gently as I could, set him back down.

He nodded his head at me before taking off again. I lost sight of Wanda so I just focused most of my fight trying to shoot down Falcon.

All of a sudden the dude with the dark red suit became a giant. This man is huge! He ended up grabbing Rhodey by his foot stopping him from flying.

"Holy shit!" Peter said into his mic.

"Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now." Rhodey said.

The big guy pulls his arm back as if he was about to toss him. "Give me back my Rhodey." Tony said. Their relationship is just too similar to mines. Before Tony could do anything Sam flew in and kicked him away.

The big dude ended up tossing Rhodey and he couldn't control himself to fly again. "I got him." Peter said as he shoots a web at Rhodey's foot.

The giant stepped on a truck and pushed directly towards T'Challa. I flew down and held my hand out making a purple blast shoot out and destroy the truck so it wouldn't hurt me or the prince. This giant was starting to become a hassle. "Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestions. That means you Ever." Tony said.

I roll my eyes and stared up at the big giant as he finally sets his eyes on me. "Wanna get to them you'll have to go through me." He said.

Okay. I shrugged my shoulders.

I held my hand out and wrap my plasma around his neck making him choke. I decided to let go of him and create this big ball. I tossed it at his chest and the man leans back against the plane behind him, grunting in pain. I look behind his shoulders to see Steve and Bucky running to the quinjet.

I float towards the giant and made myself go straight threw him, which if I wasn't so focus, would be pretty cool right now. "Something just flew in me!" The giant exclaimed.

I look at the tower that was on the outside and shot my yellow plasma at it so the debris could cover the entrance of the quinjet.

All of a sudden red magic appeared underneath the debris stopping it from covering the entrance and it made Steve and Bucky run even faster.

I had enough of Wanda. I flew down in front of her making her look at me with shock. I tried to take her by surprise, but that didn't work as our powers clashed together. At least I got her to drop the tower but I'm not sure if they made it inside.

"No hard feelings." I said and she nodded her head at me. At least our relationship will stay intact, but I don't think it will save her from being arrested. My power increase and I was able to beat her. My powers wrap around her body as she screams in agony.

For some reason I wasn't able to stop. The plasma changed to an orange color. I can feel that she was slowly dying if I didn't stop and I couldn't.

"Ever, stop!" Tony yelled out and I gasp as I let go of Wanda and she falls to the ground unconscious. What have a I done?

I can hear the quinjet power up and I watch as they flew away. My world around me was starting to get dizzy and I feel like I'm tipping over. "Ever, I got a bandit on my six." I hear Rhodey speak to me but I could barely focus. "Ever! You copy?" Rhodey called out.

I look up to the sky and see a blurry vision of a big bird followed my three smaller ones. I was able to get a clear view of the sky and aimed my yellow plasma at Sam. After that everything went dark and I fell to the ground.

Ever |Avengers/ Tony Stark|Where stories live. Discover now