Chapter 31

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The Maximoff twins just walked inside a church where they saw someone sitting in a chair in the center.

"Talk, and if you are wasting our time..." Wanda demanded before she was cut off.

"Did you know this church is in the exact center of the city?" Ultron asked them. "The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God. I like that. The geometry of belief." He said. Wanda tried to get inside his head. "You're wondering why you can't look inside my head." Ultron said.

"Sometimes it's hard. But sooner or later, every man shows himself." Wanda said.

Ultron got up from the chair and the drapes that was covering him fell off to reveal his new body. "Oh, I'm sure they do. But you needed something more than a man. That's why you let Stark take the scepter." Ultron said as he walks closer to her.

"I didn't expect, but I saw Stark's fear. I knew it would control him. Make him self destruct." Wanda explained.

"Everyone creates the thing they dread." Ultron says as he walks away from them. "Men of peace creates engines of war. Invaders create Avengers. People create.... smaller people? Uh... children" Ulton chuckles. "I lost the word, there. Children designed to supplant them, to help them end." He said.

"Is that why you've come, to end the Avengers?" Wanda asked. "I've come to save the world." Ultron said before leaving the church. He turned back towards them. "But also... Yeah."


Back at the empty Hydra base Ultron shows the twins all the work he has been doing. "We'll move out right away. This is the start but we need to begin the real work." He said before Ever portals in.

The twins took a step back from her. "What is she doing here?" Wanda asked him and Ultron turned to look at Ever. "She's here to help. She figured out their secrets and decided it was time to end them." Ultron lied to the twins, not wanting them to know that he forced Ever under his control, but the Twins know she is under the scepter spell, they just don't know why she would allow it.

Wanda looked at all the robots. "All of these are..." she said before Ultron finished for her. "Me. I have what the Avengers never will. Harmony." He said and pulls a chain down. "They're discordant. Disconnected. Stark's already got them turning on each other. And when you and Ever get inside the rest of their heads..." Pietro cut him off.

"Everybody's plan is not to kill them." He said.

"And make them martyrs?" Ultron asks. "You need patience. Need to see the big picture." He said and landed in front of them.

"I don't see the big picture. I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it, every day." Pietro said.

"We're sorry about what happened to your parents. We've seen the records." Ever said.

"The records are not the picture." He said.

"Pietro." Wanda said before getting cut off. "No, please." Ultron said letting him continue.

"We were 10 years old. Having dinner, the four of us. When the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor. It's big. Our parents go in and the whole building starts coming apart. I grab her, roll under the bed, and the second shell hits. But it doesn't go off. It just sits there in the rubble. Three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell it painted one word." He explained their story.

"Stark." Wanda said finishing it for him. Her eyes flashed red at the mention of his name.

"We were trapped for two days." Pietro continued.

"Every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks, I think, "This will set it off." We wait for two days for Tony Stark to kill us." Wanna finished.

"I know what they are." Pietro said.

"I wondered why only you two survived Strucker's experiments. Now I don't. We will make it right." Ultron said then looked at Pietro. "You and I can hurt them." He said before walking towards Wanda and Ever and his his hands hovered in front of their faces. "But the two you will tear them apart from the inside."

Ever |Avengers/ Tony Stark|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें