Chapter 4

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I stood at the entrance just watching the dj stand looking at Tony who was in his Iron Man suit with his mask up doing a few dance moves.  He got extremely drunk I guess when the party started to put his suit on. I heard someone walk up beside me and I turn to see Pepper standing next to me watching what I was just watching. Me and Pepper went to put our gifts away when we saw James Rhodes walking up to us.

"Pepper, Eva." He greeted and hug the both of us. "I'm... I'm going to go get some air." She said then left us here.

James turned to me. "What's going on?" He asked. I sigh then lead him to where everyone was at and have him see for himself what a very drunk Tony looks like. "I don't know what to do." I said as I hear glass breaking.

"You gotta be kidding me." James said and we watch as Tony stumble and fall onto a shelf of glass also breaking that. He gets up and holds his arm up then laughs it off as the crowd cheers for him.

"That's it. I'm making..." James said then went to go do what he needs to do but I grab on his arm. "Wait. Don't call anyone." I say before he cuts me off.

"Eva. This is ridiculous. I just stuck my neck out for this guy." He said pointing in Tony's direction.

"I know. I get it. Just let me try to get him to shut it down. Okay I need to see if I can convince him like he can convince me." I said remembering how he used his charms to get me to see him race and just now to come to this party.

"You know, the question I get so often is "Tony, how do you go to the bathroom in the suit?"" He pauses his sentence and contorts his face like he's constipated. "Just like that." He said and I scrunch my nose in disgust after realizing what he just did while the crowd just laugh at it.

Tony bent down while he giggles and I took the mic away from. "Is this one of the best party's or what?" I asked the crowd and they all cheered.

Tony stood up a little so his mouth could be next to the mic. "Everyone meet my girlfriend." He cheered and everyone else cheered with him.

"What a fantastic night we're all having together and we're gonna say good night to this amazing party aren't we Tony?" The crowd groaned in disappointment at the sudden announcement. "We thank you all for coming tonight and hope you have a safe trip home." I said and moved the mic away so Tony could talk to me without other people hearing it over the speaker.

"No,no,no. Wait, wait, wait. We didn't have the cake. We didn't blow out the candles." Tony made excuses for reasons why the party shouldn't stop.

"You are out of control and extremely drunk which is not a good look on you" I said. "You are gorgeous." Tony said ignoring what I just said to him.

"It's time to go to bed, Tony." I said. "Give me another smooch." Tony said and leaned forward to try and kiss me but I leaned back. I'm not kissing a drunk man. Especially when it could be our first kiss. He won't even be able to remember it.

He tried again but I leaned farther back. "I'm not going to kiss you in a peed in Iron Man suit." I enunciated but he wasn't listening. "I know. It has a filtration system. You could drink water that way." He said the leaned back.

"Please send everyone home and I could give you your gift." I said staring straight into his eyes. "If you say so." He said and I nodded my head. I took the champagne bottle he was holding onto and handed him the mic.

"Eva Eagen." He announced and I got a few applause. "She's right. The party's over. Then again, the party was over for me, like, an hour and a half ago. The after-party starts in 15 minutes!" He said and my smile came off my face only to be replaced with a disappointed one while the crowd cheered wildly

If he keeps this up he'll lose everything that he cares for. Never thought I would get this worried over someone I met almost two days ago. I wonder if I'm just easy or his charms are getting to me.

"And if anybody, Eva, doesn't like it, there's the door." He gestures to the exit but he accidentally shot at it and broke a wall of glass. I turned my back to the shattered glass to avoid being cut in the front of my body.and the crowd cheered even louder.

Tony yelled out feeling his ego boost up even more than it already was. A girl from the crowd had a champagne bottle in her hand and tossed it up only for Tony to shoot at it.

I immediately turned away to avoid the glass that was going to explode into me and cover myself. I had enough of this and walked away from this chaos Tony was creating and went to my car that was parked in front and drove away.

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