Chapter 58

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The ship started to take a different direction and we start heading to some place that looks not only deserted but a desert as well.

"What's going on?" Peter asks as he feels the ship shake.

"I think we're here." Strange stated out as we all look out to see where we are.

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function." Tony said then walked over to what looks like a manual pilot that you stick your arm in and you can guide the ship. "Get your hand inside the steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?" He ordered Peter as he did the same thing with the other one. "This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta move at the same time."

"Okay, okay. Ready." Peter said as they both focus.

"Building in our front." I called out. The ship turned but we still crashed into the building. I snap my fingers so my suit can come back and the ship shook violently. Strange used his powers and put up a force field all around us. We harshly crashed into the ground and I fell down. I hit the floor hard enough that I got a scratch on my forehead.

"Are you guys alright?" Strange asked us as he helps me up from the floor then goes to help Tony.

"That was close." Tony said as he takes Strange's hand and gets up. "I owe you one."

I look around as we were missing someone. Where did Peter go? I hear something from above me and Peter slowly came down from the ceiling with both his feet on his web. "Let me just say, if aliens wind up planting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't worry, we'll just lock you and put you in those Area 51 places." I said with a laugh.

"I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?" Tony ordered him.

"I'm trying to say that something is coming." Peter said and points behind him.

"Well, why didn't you start off with that?" I asked.

Something rolling on the floor was heard and I look down to see a tiny ball roll in the center of the four of us. Next thing I know I'm being thrown across the ship.

I sat up on my elbows and look towards the door to see a guy with red eyes holding up two guns. Behind him were a muscular grey and red man and a light pink alien girl that has antennas sticking up from her head.

"Thanos!" The muscular man screamed out and threw his weapon at Strange but he blocked it with his magic circle.

What is wrong with this dude. All of a sudden he screams out like a battle cry but Strange's cape wrapped around his head.

The man with the red eyes start shooting his gun and one landed next to me making me fall back down and hit my head. Okay ouch. Who just randomly attacks us with no reason? Nobody knows that we're even on this ship. I got up and held my hand out. White plasma starts to wrap around the red eyed man, muscle guy, and the alien girl. They all struggled to break free but then gave up knowing they can't escape.

"What do you want?" I asked them.

"I do the talking around here, lady." The man with red eyes said as he finally made his mask disappear to reveal a simple looking human. "Now I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Ganora?" He asked us.

Who the hell is Gamora? "Yeah. I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?" Tony asked him.

"I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?" The muscle man said. Is he okay... mentally?

"Just tell me where she is or I swear to you I will French fry you all." The human threatens us. I squeeze my hand and the plasma around him tightens as he groans in pain. "Okay maybe threatening while being held hostage in the air wasn't really a good idea, but it doesn't matter. You will tell me where Thanos is and I'll get my girl back myself." He said.

"Wait, what, Thanos? All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?" Strange asked him.

Master? There's other words to use. Just master only makes me cringe. "What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, "Jesus"?"

Tony was getting fed up with this. "You're from Earth?" He asked the guy.

"I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri." Uh, that's on earth. Where has he been?

"Yeah, that's on earth, you dipshit. What are you hailing us for?" Tony said.

"So are you not with Thanos?" Peter asked before the man could speak up.

"With Thanos?" He repeated and cringed his face in disgust. "No, I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you?" He asked.

Guess him and his friends are safe. They could probably help us defeat Thanos. I drop my hand and they all unceremoniously fell with a grunt then stood back up.

"We're the Avengers, man." Peter said as if it's obvious.

"You're the ones Thor told us about." The alien girl said and that brought my attention.

"How do you know Thor?" I asked her.

"Yeah." The brunette man answered. "Tall guy, not that good-looking, needed saving."

"Sounds like you envy this guy. That doesn't really sound like Thor to me." I said and the man glared at me.

"Where is here now?" Strange asked.

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