Chapter 16

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Tony stood in the detention level staring at the open space where the cell should be. He stayed that way when Steve walked in on the other side in normal clothes. "Was he married?" He asked Tony leaning against the railing and folding his arms together.

"No. There was a cellist, I think." Tony said not looking at him.

"I'm sorry. He seemed like a good man. I'm also sorry about Ever." Steve said and paused to think of something to say. "Do you know if she's still alive?" He asked

Tony turned around to look at him. "Yeah, she's still alive. Breathing. After I stopped Vanko, she was called into a mission but I didn't want her to go without me knowing if she will be all right so I gave her a bracelet before she left and now I can see all her vitals whether she is sleeping or having a panic attack. Psychotic of me, but people do crazy things out of love." Tony said then he walked towards the exit seeing as he didn't want to talk anymore.

"Is this the first time you lost a soldier?" Steve asked. Tony immediately turned around to face him. "We are not soldiers." He said sternly before pausing. "I'm not marching to Fury's fife." Tony said.

Steve shook his head. "Neither am I. He's got the same blood on his hands that Loki does. But right now, we got to put that behind us and get this done. Now, Loki needs a power source. If we can get together a list..." Steve explained his plan before getting cut off.

"He made it personal." Tony stated. "That's not the point." Steve said. "That is the point. That's Loki's point." Tony rebuttal. "He hit us all right where we live. Why?" He ask to make Steve see the bigger picture.

"To tear us apart." Steve answered. "Yeah, divide and conquer is great, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience." Tony said trying to figure out where this big battle could take place.

"Right. I caught that act in Stuttgart." Steve said reminding Tony of the battle in Germany when they first fought Loki.

"Yeah, that's just the previews. This is opening night. And Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right? He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered..." as soon as Tony said that he thought of his tower that he gave 12% of to Ever. "Son of a bitch." He said in realization and walked out of the detention level.

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