Chapter 45

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I was guiding people to the boat when a woman came up to me. "I lost my baby! Can you please help me?" She cried out. I nodded my head and had someone take her to the boat.

"I'll get your baby don't worry." I told her as she continues to ball her eyes out.

I went back to the building and used my powers to see if I can find any life force in here. I felt something in a storage room so I went there. I opened the door and there was a baby in a blanket just laying there crying. I guess the walls are really thick because I couldn't even hear it.

I grabbed the baby boy and quickly ran out the building. As I was running I here a jet flying my way. I look up and inside was Ultron. He immediately starts to shoot down on me since I was out in the open.

I used my powers to make a shield but what surprises me is that it came out blue. The bullets start to hit off my shield and fly in many other directions. I quickly made the shield go away once Ultron flew past me. I ran to the boat that was carrying the mother.

She met me halfway and I handed her kid over to her and she rushed back on the boat.

I look over to see Pietro standing still with a couple bullet holes threw his body. Clint was kneeled down covering a small boy with his body. Before anything could happen, Pietro fell over dead.

I look back at the deserted city looking at how empty it looks. The ground beneath me gave away and I felt myself falling. I quickly used my magic to stop my descent and floated back up and onto the boat.

I watched as lightning went across the whole city and destroyed everything. They did it.

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