Part 2, chapter 23

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POV : Madison

The door of the boutique opens and a young woman steps in. She walks to the counter and asks to get the outfit she had ordered.

-Madison, could you take her to fetch the 24th outfit please ?

-Of course !

The lady turns towards me and I recognise Laura, Shawn's previous costume designer. The one that left him in the middle of his Tour...

-Oh hello Laura, it's nice to see you !

-Hello Madison ! Nice to see you too. You look lovely ! She says, looking at my very round belly.


I lead her towards the end of the boutique, to the room where we put all our orders, and start looking for hers.

-So... when's the birth date predicted ?

-It'll be in two weeks.

-Wow! That's soon! You shouldn't be working anymore!

-Yes, but they need help here, and I'm getting bored alone at home while Shawn is at work...

-Oh Shawn. Is everything fine between you two ?

-Well of course ! Why would things not be perfect ?

-Oh nothing... it's just... It's good that you forgave him.

-Hold on... forgive what ? I ask, interrupting what I was doing.

-Oh I'm sorry... he didn't tell you? I thought he did...

-Tell me what ?

My heart is racing. What is she talking about ? What is Shawn hiding me? Everything has always been perfect between us!

-I don't want you to learn it from me if he didn't tell you. I shouldn't be the one telling you that.

She stares at the ground and grabs her dress from my hands without even looking at me in the eyes.

-I'm sorry I said that... she adds, before turning around and walking away.

No no no. Sha can't leave ! I need to know what she's talking about!

-No Laura wait !

I run after her as much as I can and grab her arm to pull her back.

-You are not leaving without telling me what you are talking about !

-No Maddi... he should be telling you.

With flames in my eyes, I just stare ather angrily.

-I am about to give birth to his baby! I need to know.

She just looks at me, fighting internally whether she should tell me or not...

-Fine, she says after a few seconds.

She takes my hand and leads me to a room where we can be alone and unheard. She takes a chair and sits me on it.

-Okay so...

I can see she is embarassed. She keeps passing her hand on her mouth and can't stand still.

-When Shawn was on tour, before you arrived...

My brain works so quickly. His tour, our face times, his jealousy, our fights...

-The whole crew went to a party... she continues.

A party.... I remember, Shawn called me in the middle of the night, he was drunk, he was crying, he didn't tell me why. Is that what she's talking about?

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora