Chapter 22

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-Can I show you something tonight ?


-Are we nearly there ? I ask.

We have been driving for what may seem an hour, but I'm sure it was less. Shawn put a blindfold on me so I can't see where we are going. I wonder where he takes me if it is such a surprise...

-We are nearly there ! He laughs !

After a few more minutes, I feel the vehicle stopping, Shawn getting out of the car and opening my door. He takes both my hands and helps me out.

-Keep the blindfold on ! I'll guide you !

He keeps my hands in his and we slowly walk away. Even though I trust him, I'm so scared to trip on something, which eventually happened twice ! We walk up some few steps, and then along a corridor. We turn right, then left, then right... Where are we ? There is not a noise, nobody else than us is speaking, which gives me no clue.

-Here we are ! Please wait for me here, and don't look !

-I promise I won't look. But where are we ?

Shawn walks away and I stay here. I keep the blindfold on, but I can't help walking a few steps away. I arrive to what may seem like a small gate. I let my hands run through it. What is it ? I am practically sure we are inside a building... What is a gate doing there ? I suddenly feel a little bit cold waiting here, so I walk away, but my feet get stuck in what I think is a carpet, and I fall loudly on the ground.

-Oh Maddi are you ok ? I hear Shawn running towards me.

-Yeah !

-Haha ! At least I know you didn't cheat !

He helps me up and we walk a few meters. Then he goes behind me and I feel his hands on my hair as he slowly takes the blindfold off.

-Tada ! He says with excitement.

-Oh my ! A skating rink !! I scream, and jump in his arms.

He hands me a pair of ice skates, put his on and goes on the rink. Nobody's here, we are the only ones, just him and I...While I put my skates on, he tries to impress me, making a few figures, and skating really quickly. He kept smiling, and looking at me. He looks so happy as he flies across the ice, and deep down I hope his smile is also a bit due to me...

-You are really good Mendes, I say after a few minutes.

-Thanks ! Do you want me to help you ? He asks.

He skates towards me and take my hands to help me get on the ice, but I take them off.

-No thanks !

-Sure ?

-Sure !

Shawn sits on the gate and I get on the ice. I take my phone and put on a music. «Unstoppable » from Sia. Then I give him my phone.

-My turn to impress you !

I walk to the middle of the rink and start skating. It feels so good to feel the ice underneath my feet. It's been years since the last time I felt this ! I twirl and jump and dance with the song's rhythm until the last beat. At the end, I am exausted. I gave everything. I look at Shawn and see his amazed eyes.

-When will you stop surprising me ? He asks, coming up to me.

-I promise I have no other talent...

-When did you learn how to figure-skate ?

-I did it my whole childhood... I explain. I was really good. My mom was always supporting me and helping me. I did my best for her, she wanted me to become a figure-skater. I wanted to make her proud because she was a really good figure-skater too... But when I was 16, she died in a car accident... I never skated since then. I didn't have the courage. Skating reminded me of her... But tonight... I don't know. I didn't think of her. I just skated. I thought of you.

-I'm sorry for your mom...

-Don't be. I'm happy to be here with you tonight. Thank you for taking me here !

He smiles at me and looks at me deeply in the eyes. At that moment, I want to tell him « I love you », but I know it's not the time... is it ?

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now