Chapter 23

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I want to tell him « I love you », but I know it's not the time... is it ?
I look at him, at his smile. I am in love with him, I can't deny it. I want to hold him tight, to always have him by my side... But he broke up with Shirley only a few days ago. He is not ready. I'd lose him if he knew my feelings for him...
He takes my hand and we skate together around the rink.

-Shawn, why are we alone ?
-Because the skating rink is closed.
-Excuse me ? We aren't supposed to be here !
I start stressing out but he laughs.
-Don't worry ! he says. I am allowed to be here. The guardian knows that with my job, I rarely have free time when the rink is open, so he gave me the keys. I can come whenever I want.
-That is so cool !
-I know right ?

We had fun together for a couple hours, playing tag, teaching him how to figure-skate, learning the rules of hockey... He was smiling all the time and it makes me happy to see him like this, not thinking about Shirley and just taking the best out of the moment.

-Oh, I should be going ! I say after seeing the time. It's late and I have to work at the boutique tomorrow...
-Oh right. Let me drive you back home.

Shawn drove me back. It's already midnight. I did not see the time passing by!

-Goodnight Maddi. It was very nice spending the day with you. He says with a wink once we arrived. We should do this more often !
-Definitely ! Good night !

I look at him drive away before going to bed and falling fast asleep.

(next day)

-Madison ! Someone calls across the boutique

I get up from the desk where I was designing a new dress and walk to the room where the voice came from.

-Yes ?
-Can you help me sew the costume please ? I can't do it alone... Jane asks.
-Sure !
Jane is my collegue. She has been working here for a few years. She is the stylist of a few important customers, I dream of doing this. Having someone you know the tastes of by heart. Designing him clothes, knowing what he likes or not...

-It's a very beautiful suit ! I say, looking at the black cloth and the pearls. You and your client have good tastes ! What is it for ?
- It's for a gala in Paris. My customer is going there in a few weeks but he wants it ready for this weekend. I hope he'll like it. I'm so stressed ! Paris is the city of fashion ! This suit needs to be perfect !
-Trust me, it is ! I love it !
-Thanks !
-Can I ask who it is for ?
-A singer. Maybe you know him. Shawn Mendes ?

My heart stops for a second when she says his name. Shawn ? She designs Shawn's suits ? going... to... PARIS !? Why didn't he tell me ? What is he going to do there... ?

-Madison ?
-Yeah ! Oh... of course I know Shawn Mendes. Who doesn't know him ? I say, trying to focus on my work.

But I still can't take my mind off Paris... When will he tell me ? Is he even going to tell me ?

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now