Part 2, chapter 11

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POV : Shawn

I thought our engagement meant something ! Am I the only person that can feel love on this planet ?

-Hey relax Shawn ! It's just a friend !

-Oh yeah ? A friend! A guy ?

-NO! It's Jane !

-Jane? I asks suspiciously.

-Yes, my collegue from the boutique! She came to help me. I told you I have a lot of work here. She came to help me sow dresses.

I see her pick up the laptop and move around the house towards the kitchen. There, she shows me a girl picking up bits of a broken plate. I remember her, I saw her at the boutique.

-Here ! You believe me now? She asks, and I can hear a bit of anger in her voice. Shawn what happened ? Were you jealous ? Don't you trust me ?

I feel so bad that I thought she cheated on me, just because there was someone with her. Of course she has work and must feel lonely in this huge house. She is perfectly allowed to invite friends... Why did I react like that ? I am so dumb...

-No, I just... well, yeah I was jealous, and I am so sorry. I really am ! You are totally allowed to hang out with friends... Oh I feel so dumb !

-Don't ! I just want to remind you that I have this beautiful diamond around my finger that strangely keeps me away from everyone... or so... You don't have to worry. Don't you remember I said I'll wait for us to be back together ?

-Yeah, you said it. I love you Maddi. And I miss you so much !

-I love you too ! Oh ! By the way, I have a surprise for you ! I can't wait to see you so I can give it to you !

-A surprise ? What kind of surprise ?

-You'll see ! She says with a smirk, her cheeks tuning red...

Suddenly, her doorbell rings.

-Oh, I need to leave you... she says.

-What ? Who is it ?

-Um... another friend...

-Maddi !? Who ?

-I love you ! Bye ! She says, giving a kiss to the screen.

-MADISON ! I scream after she hangs up.

WHY ! Why won't she answer me! I am so angry ! She is playing with my heart !

Anger bursts in me and I punch the wall to let it all out.

-Ouch !

Walls are hard.

-Shawn, is everything okay ? Laura asks, entering the room. What's happeing ?

-Nothing... I say, massaging my sore hand.

-Is it Madison that got you like that ?

-No... yes... kind of. I don't know.

-I am sorry that she gets you in so much rage... You don't deserve this. Maybe you don't deserve her...

-What ? Don't ever say that of her !!

-Okay okay! Sorry... she mumbles. She's your girlfriend after all...

She grabs a suit and walks to me.

-Here, put that on... Hey. Are you hurt ? What happened to your hand ?

-Nothing serious, I just punched the wall... they are only bruises.

-This is serious... You need to heal these. I don't want it to impact your music... Your hands are precious...

She walks towards the minibar and gets some ice cubes that she wraps in a cloth. Then she gently takes my hand and puts the cloth on my bruises. Her hands are soft. The way she holds mine reminds me of Maddi, when she warms my fingers before I play the guitar...

But when I realize that Laura is the one in front of me and not Maddi, I break the moment of intimacy. What am I doing ? Staring at her hands....

I get up and grab the suit that she brought. I'm going to be late for my interview. I turn around and take off my T-Shirt. I am used to Laura being here when I get changed. Bare chested, her behind me, I suddenly realize that in front of me is a mirror, and in the background, I catch her eyes staring at me.

-What ? I ask, kind of annoyed.

-Nothing... I... I was thinking of what accessories you should wear with these clothes...


Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now