Chapter 25

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As I am about to check for Shawn's reply, I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me back...
Everything happens so quickly. In a second, I find myself against a wall, trapped between the bricks and the two men.

-Hello sweetypie, I hear one say with a nasty grin.

They are so close. I can feel their breaths full of alcohol on my face. I try to scream and run away, but a hand on my mouth keeps every sound from coming out. How can I get out of here ? They are so tall and strong. They hold me incredibely tight !
I kick everywhere and struggle to get out but it's like I'm fighting against the air, or against a brick wall : there is nothing I can do. They grab my bag as well as my coat, and throw them on the floor. I try my best to scream, kick and fight back but it has no effect and there is no one here to rescue me.

It is dark and I can't see them clearly. All I can see are their glassy eyes. I can't see their faces nor their bodies. Their hands and fists seem to come out of nowhere.
Suddenly, one of them grabs my shirt and tears it apart. Panick overtakes me even more as I end up with just my bra, face to face with them.

-Well  well... one of them whispers.

I punch him and his nasty face fills with anger. All of a sudden, his fist hits my face so hard that my head bangs on the wall behind me. My vision gets blurred, my head spins and I fall on the ground. Noises become indistinct and I can't see anything but hazy shapes. I am here, lying on the ground, half naked, and they start kicking me in the stomach. Fists, feet punching me again and again and again...I try to curl up to avoid them but they won't stop. I feel my forces leaving me...
One of the men pulls my arm to force me to get back on my feet but I don't have the force to stand up, and as the other one is about to punch my face again, he is pulled backwards and falls on the ground.

« Leave her alone ! » I hear.

I fall down on my knees and try my best to see what is happening. In front of me, the three men get in an unequal fight. I can't see much because of my blurred sight but I can see that my two assailants are too drunk to fight back, and after a few minutes, they run away.
Everything is calm now. There is just that man who saved me, and I. He runs to me, gets on his knees and takes me in his arms.

-Oh my god Maddi are you alright ?
-Shawn ? I whisper with a weak voice.
-Yes...I recieved your texts. I was so scared... Did they hurt you ?
-Only punched me hard...

He puts his jacket around my shoulders and kisses my hair. I let myself rest against his chest. I feel his arms around me, his cheek against mine... My head is so dizzy but feeling him there against me makes me feel a bit better.

-We should go home... he says.
He helps me up, but as I get on my feet, the pain in my stomach where the men kicked me is so intense that I fall back on my knees.

-Maddi ! Shawn screams, and rushes to hold me back before I hit the ground.
-I....I'm so sorry... I whisper.
-Here, let me help you.

And all of a sudden, he lifts me up and carries me away. I look up at his handsome face. Did he just save me, like a prince ?

-Thank you Shawn... I whisper.
He looks down at me and smile. Gosh I can't bear so much cuteness... I let my head rest on his chest and close my eyes as we walk away to his car.

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now