Chapter 17

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-Hey everyone! I have a special annoucement for you! ...
Everyone stayed quiet and looked up at Shawn for a few seconds.
-Come on! Don't make the suspense last forever! Brian says. Tell us!
-I am single! Shawn says.
-Excuse me?

Wow. Shawn is single... he's not with Shirley anymore? How is it possible? I am so astonished I nearly dropped my glass. I can't believe it! But when I look at Shawn, he really seems happy... or does he?
I can't tell if he is relieved or not... he seems sincerely happy when he's here with us, but I feel like he can't be... he was really in love with her. Why aren't they together anymore?

-Why did you two break up? Connor asked.
-Well, I'm sorry, but I just want to keep this for myself for the moment...we only broke up yesterday night...
-I understand.
-I say we should celebrate it! Brian says, raising his glass.
Everyone followed and we had some good fun! Shawn put some music on and we went outside in the garden, to the swimming pool. Did I mention there is a swimming pool? Cause there is one!
Connor took off hisT-shirt, gave me his phone, and jumped in with his trousers on. Brian did the same, and once inside, they screamed "Shawn! Shawn! Shawn! Shawn!" And clapped their hands.

Shawn laughed and said: okay! I'm coming! He grabbed his shirt and slowly took it off. Oh my... he looks like a greek god! I could see each one of his perfectly shaped muscles and it was torture not to bite my lip as I was watching him...
He turned to me and handed me his shirt.

-Here Maddi, can you hold it for me? He said, as our eyes met.
Time stopped for a second.
-Sure! I calmly answered. But I'm sure I was as red as a tomato...
He took a step back, ran and jumped in the pool, splashing water everywhere... and on me
-Shawn!!! I yelled.
-Hahaha! Sorry!
Thank god I put the phones away! Now I'm soaking wet!
I was about to reply when I felt two hand in my back push me.
-Aaah! I screamed as I fell in the pool.
I swam to the surface and saw Connor laughing on the edge of the pool. Oh my, my housemate is really the worse fellow, I like him so much!

(A few hours later.)
-This was the best afternoon ever! I say, coming downstairs after I took a shower.
-Yeah! We had so much fun with Brian and Shawn !
Connor is laying on the couch, still shirtless. Lazy as ever.
-Oh look, I say. Someone forgot his jacket...
-It's Shawn's...
-I'll bring him back. I say.
I walk outside and get in the car to drive to Shawn's.
I don't know why, but this time I'm not stressed at all. Usually my heart races when I am about to see him, but not this time...
I walk to his flat and knock at the door. No one answers. That's strange, I'm pretty sure he is here. I knock once again, then push the door open. Why isn't it locked?
-Shawn? I ask, as I walk inside.
I enter the flat and hear nothing... wait, I do hear something, coming from the other end of the flat. Something wrong. I hear...

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن