Part 2, chapter 4: store

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POV : Madison

I open my eyes to the sunrays coming through the window. Once again, we were so in love yesterday night that we forgot to close the curtains. I look at Shawn, his chest under my cheek and it reminds me of these lyrics : « sunrise with you on my chest, no blinds in the place where I live, daybreak open your eyes », but I know this was not meant to be for one night ! I love this man so much ! My fingers run through his beautiful brown curls and a smile automatically appears on his face.

-Hey gorgeous ! He whispers, opening his eyes.

-Good morning !

He rolls on the side and gets over me, devouring me with his eyes. He kisses me and gets out of bed.

-How are you today ? He asks.

-I'm ok, just craving chocolate...

-I'll get you some at the grocery store.

-It's ok, I can get some myself.

-Baby, you should rest...

-I am only two months pregnant ! This is not a big deal, I can still go to the grocery store !

-Then I'll go with you !

He walks to me from behind and puts his head on my shoulder and his hands on my stomach. In the mirror, we can see that tiny baby bump appearing. Shawn will be such a great dad. He is already overprotective, acting like if I were 8 months pregnant. It makes me laugh somehow. I can't wait to hold that baby in my arms. Next week, Shawn and I have an appointment for an ultrasound and we'll probably know if it is a boy or a girl !

-When do you think we'll have to tell the world for our baby ? Shawn asks as we walk down the grocery store 's ailes.

We haven't told anyone yet except for our close families and of course Shawn's crew... We wanted to keep this secret for a while.

-Well, people will start noticing it in a month or two, maybe more since winter is coming and I'll cover myself... We've got some time before us.

-Okay... Damn the Mendes Army will go craaaazy when the'll learn it. Our little kid ! He says, giving me a hug.

-Yep, that's true ! But I'm sure they'll be cute and love him !

I look at our grocery list.

-I'll go and pick up the ice creams and the chocolate. I say. Can you take the fruits and vegetables?

-Sure !

I turn on the left and walk towards the sugar alley. Oh my, all this food makes me so hungry. Pregnancy is so weird, I feel like I'm on my period all the time, moody, craving food, but at least it doesn't hurt.

-Well well, look who's here ! I hear right behind me.

I turn around and see... Oh no. My heart stops and my blood freezes in my veins.

-Julian ? What are you doing here ?

-Well... I just came to spend the last few weeks of my holidays in Toronto. I didn't expect seeing you here...

-Me neither.

-Well, now that we both met, maybe we could spend some time together... if you know what I mean... just like the good old times. He says, with a sensual look, walking to me and grabbing my waist.

-Leave me alone ! Don't touch me! I say, turning around, but he is still holding me.

-Oh come on, I know you want to. Just remember those nights when we were happy together, they were amazing ! What keeps you from coming to my hotel room tonight ?

His hands are on my stomach right now, at the exact same place where Shawn's were an hour ago... at the exact place where my baby is... but I can't tell him otherwise the whole world will know... The idea of him being so close to my baby makes me sick.

-I'm all good now, someone else is getting all of me !

-Too bad your boyfriend is not here right now. He says, holding me tight against him.

-Oh yeah ? Well he is! I hear behind us.

Julian turns around and ends up face to face with Shawn.

-Let her go. He says, looking down at him.

-Who are you ? Julian fakes not to understand.

-The man she's been living with for a year now. So I won't say it again, let her go !

On his last nerve, Shawn grabs Julian's arm with a force I had never seen in him before and throws him away.

-Don't you ever touch her again or I swear I'll kill you !

Julian looks at me with flames in his eyes.

-Why are you doing that ? He screams. I know you were happy with me! I know you liked it! I though we could start back from the beginning! You're such a b*tch !!

And in an fit of anger, he grabs a big ice cream pot and throws it at me.

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now