Chapter 16

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I join Connor in the living room, open my laptop and see...

Omg. Is this really happening? Really? I posted the song yesterday! Are there really 45k views?
Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I stare at the screen.

-Hey! I told you that you'd make it! Connor screams, giving me a huge hug.
-Thank you !... I... I can't believe it...! I sob, hugging my friend. Thank you!
-You're welcome ! I'm proud of you! I'll send it to Andrew!
-Is he Shawn's manager?
-You don't need to do that... it's ok!
-Oh no I'll do it! You are a great singer Maddi, I want the world to hear you!
I smile at my friend and he gives me a kiss on the cheek.
-By the way, some of my friends are coming tomorrow, is that Ok? Do you want to join us? He asks.
-Oh of course! I'd love to join in!

*****next day*****

Connor comes back home with two grocery bags full of food and drinks for his friends. I help him prepare everything and heat the pizzas before getting ready. I put on a cute yellow dress, some mascara and red lipstick. And just as I finish, the doorbell rings.

-Can you open the door for me please Maddi? Connor shouts from the other end of the house.
-Of course !
I walk downstairs to the hall, open the door and end up face to face with...
I feel myself blushing as he stares at me.

-Hi Shawn ! Welcome !
-Hey Maddi, you look gorgeous!
-Thanks !

Everyone enters and they all sit on the couches in the living room.
I can't help looking at Shawn. He is so cute, and freaking hot! He wears a denim jacket with his black pants and leather boots. How can I get over my anger so quickly? Maybe it's because Shirley is not here... I don't know...
To avoid having to speak to him, I get myself busy, bringing food and drinks to everyone, until I hear Connor saying those words:
"Here, listen to this, she recorded it two days ago !"
-NO!!! I yell, as I see that Connor is about to play them my song.

Shawn can NOT hear that! He'll know it's about him! He can't hear it! He's still with Shirley ! I would be ashamed if he heard that!
-Why so? Brian asks confused.
-Because... I don't want to bother you with me. You're not here for this. Please Connor put away this phone... I say grabbing it.
-Ok.. he says, not understanding my reaction.

The boys stayed the whole day at home. I eventually spent all the time with them. Shawn saw me staring at him a few times, making me blush. I don't know what's going on. I think I'm falling in love with him, but how can I be? It's so hard to figure this out!
He is so cute! His smile makes my heart melt, I always get lost in his hazel eyes and his brown curls make my heart go crazy when they fall on his perfect face...
I stare at him again...everyone's sitting in the living room, on sofas, tables or on the floor. He suddenly gets up, walks to the kitchen and comes back a few seconds later with an alcohol bottle in his hands.
-Hey everyone! I have a special annoucement for you! ...

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now