Chapter 43

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« MADISON STAY IN THE CABIN ! I am coming ! Do as I say ! »

What ? What's going on ? I start freaking out, and the fear grows bigger when I hear voices outside my cabin. Lots and lots of voices. It's like the whole shop came here! I grab my bag and despite Shawn's text, I step outside. Woah...

«Madison ! Madison» tons of voices are screaming. Flashes of paparazzis' cameras come from everywhere. The whole shop did actually come... Shawn and I have been recognized.

People are screaming my name, grabbing my arms. I am so surprised that I don't even move. I am stuck here. I won't be able to get out of the shop... What am I going to do ?

On my right, I notice Shawn coming up to me. He is making his way through the crowd with a worried look on his face. He heard the paparazzis, that's why he was coming !

-Madison are you ok ? He asks, taking my hand.

-Yeah sure !

As I look around us, I can see that we are never going to make it out of here. There is not a single unoccupied square meter in the shop. I wonder if Shawn has ever been in this situation before... This is so sad that he can't even go shopping without having the whole world taking pictures of him... Everyone is screaming our names : «What's going on between you two ?», «What happened yesterday ?», «Where do your bruises come from ?»

The only thing that keeps me from panicking is the feeling of Shawn's hand in mine. We make our way with difficulty through the crowd, when suddenly, four tall men dressed all in black, enter the shop. They move people aside and walk towards us. They are Shawn's bodyguards ! I recognized them !

-Mr. Mendes, Mrs. De Beaumont, are you ok ? One of them asks.

-Yes, we are...

The four men get around us, pushing people aside, and help us get out of the shop. I feel bad for all those people, but there was no way for us to get out... Why can't they leave us alone ? It is only once we are outside that I realize that my heart was beating really fast !

Two of the bodyguards leave, and the two others decided to stay with us for some time.

-Come one Maddi. We are not going to leave those people ruin our last day in Paris ! Shawn says with a big smile.

He takes my hand and we walk down the street, the two bodyguards staying a few meters behind us to leave us some space.


He takes my hand... HE TAKES MY HAND ! My heart jumps as I feel Shawn's hand in mine. A stupid smile lights my face as we walk together.

-Oh Shawn ! Can we please enter this shop ? Pleaaaaasee !

-Haha, yes of course !

We enter the store and I walk straight to the music aisle, Shawn following me. I love music stores, I love staring at the Cds, buying them, seeing all the new stuff to listen to music : headphones, speakers. I look through the Cds and my heart jumps.

-OMG ! Omg omg omg !

-Maddi is everything ok ? Shawn asks worried.


-What is it ?

-Voicenotes ! Charlie Puth !!! OMG I am soooo happy ! I scream, jumping up and down and dancing with the album in my hands.

-You like Charlie Puth ? Shawn laughs.

-Are you kidding ? I absolutely love his music ! You are going to hear this album playing non stop in my house for a month ! And Charlie seems to be such a kind man !

-He indeed is, and his music is really good.

-Wait. You met Charlie ?

-Yes Ma'am.

-Oh my goooood lucky youuuuuu ! I pretend to cry. Well. I am bying this album, as well as those three ! I say, holding four albums.

-My albums ? He asks, surprised.

-Yes ! I don't have them yet ! And what kind of a friend am I if I don't have them ? Haha !

We walk towards the checkout and I put down the four albums to pay. Behind me, Shawn chuckles. The cashier takes «Illuminate» in her hands, looks up, and her eyes grow wide.

-Hi ! Shawn laughs.

-Wait... is that... you ? She asks.

-Um... yes. Those are mine ! He laughs.

-Well, Congrats !

-Thanks !

I pay, put the albums in my handbag and we walk outside. Shawn grabs my hand again and my heart jumps, just as before. I'll never get used to that feeling ! I smile like an idiot and I see a few people looking at us in the streets, but I don't care. We walk along the Seine, take pictures at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, and we head to the Viaduc of Passy.

 We walk along the Seine, take pictures at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, and we head to the Viaduc of Passy

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We are all alone on the bridge. We can see the illuminated Eiffel Tower. We walk together through the pillars. I look at him. He is so handsome, and right now, he looks sincerely happy to be here. It warms my heart to see him like this.

 It warms my heart to see him like this

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The night has fallen now and everything is calm

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The night has fallen now and everything is calm. It's like we are the only two people in this world... He looks at me, takes my hands in his, and we walk towards the edge of the bridge. I look at him and get lost in his eyes... He smiles at me with his special smile that melts your heart, but this time, it seems like there's something more in his smile.... Something I haven't seen before...

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt